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"Do you have any further questions?" The guard asked Peter. "If you have further questions about rules and whereabouts, you may report to us.  If you have any serious questions over the matters of Angel, you may report directly to Prince Chance. Otherwise, if it isn't important, don't take too much of his time."

Peter really liked the fact that he could directly report to Prince Chance. It made him feel like he was doing something really important, and in fact, he was.

"No, sir." Peter said in a professional manner.

"Don't tell a soul around here about what you're really here for. Only those who are truly meant to help you according to this subject are the only souls that should know about you."

"Yes, sir." Peter said again.

"Oh, and Peter? Most of the soldiers and Greangers around here don't know who they're guarding or who is even amongst them."

"Good to know." Peter nodded.

"Last thing. Don't mess up."

Peter felt those last three words fall on him. He knew how that could very well go to two different ways. The question was, don't mess up for who?


Neil and the rest the Roamers were kept busy, but Neil was the only one who kept wondering about Peter. He hasn't seen him at all today. Neil tried once again to figure out what was going on with Peter, but every time he let himself loose from his work, Saber seemed to always catch him and gave him more things to do. Saber even mentioned to him about getting the allies rallied sometime soon.

Neil was excited for it, but he wanted to do it with Peter. They always did things together. Saber only said that Peter was too busy and that he was needed somewhere else.

Neil was also beginning to wonder about Angel, but he thought that maybe she was just getting busy with Princessy stuff. Whatever that was... It must be very new to her, Neil thought, but then he knew that Angel always had this other part of her she didn't quite reveal very much since she was a younger girl. That was her more girly side.

Neil was sure that she could get through it, if they were making any changes according to the whole matter. He was more worried about Peter at the moment.

Neil could tell, he wasn't acting like his usual self at all. But then he began to wonder that it was probably because of Angel. He hasn't been acting too much like himself ever since the whole crush thing.

That's probably just it...Neil thought. But I still can't get over the fact that Saber keeps piling me up with tasks every time I ask for him.

Neil began putting some wooden planks with Roylin after his small break.

I'm sure it's just because of Angel..


Prince Chance got himself and his plan situated. He knew just what to say, and for him, it wasn't something so difficult to do. After all those years under his father's work in the castle, he had to be taught how to deliver a speech or how to negotiate as well as use his eloquence.

He wanted to begin planning with Peter to set it off the next morning. He knew that the search around for Angel would just become a wasted amount of time, but he needed to do it in order to get suspicions out of his arena. Otherwise, he could also search around for missing Fatenturia along in the process.

Prince Chance decided to get his things out for Peter to get started with. He didn't know how much the boy knew or didn't know. He grabbed some chartered maps of the forest—although, it was incomplete—due to the vastness of the woods, and took out some blank pages of paper.

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