Fatal Blows

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"I don't get it." Angel said as she fought the nerve to kick the Prince, even if she couldn't see. She's trained eyes closed and blindfolded before, but she has to keep reminding herself there was one of her and more of them.

"You don't get what?" Prince Chance asked as he led her towards her cell again.

"Why do I have a blindfold if I'm only going back to the same cell as I did before? It's not like I don't know where it is..."

"That's exactly right, Angel. Very good observation." Angel was sure the guy was smiling even if she couldn't see it.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Who said I had to?"

"I did."

Prince Chance laughed. "You did? Of course, you did. So what?"

Angel really wanted to punch him now. She really did, but she took a soft deep breath and just followed where he was leading her.

"You changed the subject again.."

"No, I merely, just acknowledged and confirmed what you did."

"Very funny."


Angel was half-smiling at his reply, but she felt somewhat stupid for doing so. She was in captivity. Why should I be smiling like this?

"So what? You're bringing me somewhere else?"

"No. Same place."

"I don't get it."

"You said that earlier.."

"I know."

"Well, you are going back to the same place for now whether you like it or not."

"Fine." Angel crossed her arms.

Prince Chance smiled at her reaction, but kept the humor of it to himself. "Just know that things will get a little different..."

"You don't say..."

Prince Chance chuckled again. "I suggest you be good because a few of my people you hurt wants to get back at you. They don't want to be known for being beaten by a girl, you know?"


"You're choice, Angel. Be good or be bad, it's going to be an interesting few days."


"Fatenturia?" The man almost tripped over his seat overhearing it. "How? Where?" He barely got the words out. "What are doing around these parts? Where did you find them, Drake?"

"I thought you said your name wasn't Drake?" Peter asked.

"Nah, it was. I was just having a little fun. Plus, if someone did overhear, they'd think it wasn't my real name too." He chuckled. "Sometimes the best way to be hidden is in plain sight, right boys?" He winked.

"Right on spot, lead." One of the men saluted.

"Wait, you're the leader?"

"Yup. I'm usually the one up and about. Most of the men are in training or popping themselves here and there. That is, if we know they're ready to be in the zones."

"Zones?" Ben asked.

"Yup, boy. Enemy spots, watching about, blending in, you name it. And I want to put you in one, once I know I can trust you and train you."

"Sweet!" Ben jumped.

Peter conjured his memories as a boy the very moment he saw the same excitement he had when he was young right on Ben. For sure, he was going to like the kid. But Peter couldn't hang around too long. Hearing all about Angel was making him want to do something. "Wait, are we recruited too? Because we kinda have to get going..."

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