Tug of War

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A furrow etched between the eyebrows of the Prince's face. He was very intent and focused on some new information he had lined up along on the table, sorting things out as they appeared to fit. The Prince stood tall as he glanced left and right on two pieces of paper on his hands. He wafted Peter in without meeting the boy's eyes and he pointed him to a sit right across on the table.

Peter took the seat and watched Prince Chance carefully assessing what he could while he was busy studying the papers in front of him. He doesn't seem to mind me seeing the papers around him... Peter wanted to take a peek, but he also felt that it might also become a matter of losing trust. However, he is just a messenger and from Prince Abason himself. Peter was also a little surprised that the Prince wasn't as old as he thought the guy would be. It caught him off guard when he thought about Angel because he didn't want her to get involved with anything else...anyone else...

Peter waited patiently. He didn't want to interrupt and he looked for a signal that would let him insert the letter that Prince Abason has given him.

The Prince placed two pieces of paper on the pile right next to him.

"What is your business? Who are you? And where did you come from?" The Prince finally began.

"My name is Peter, a messenger from Prince Abason. He has a letter for you."

Prince Chance's eyes widened very faintly, then relaxed. He collected himself and looked at Peter. "The letter?"

Peter handed it over to him with the seal on the top facing the Prince. Prince Chance stared at the envelope for a good long minute as he examined the seal and its overall appearance. "From Prince Abason? Is he in Alleyal?" Prince Chance didn't open it. His eyes met with Peter's, a tinge of inquisitiveness in his eyes.

"Yes. He is in Alleyal as we speak." Peter answered.

Prince Chance's hands held the paper in a delicate manner. He looked down to the letter once again. His fingers touched the top of the seal in circular motions. The Prince appeared to be thinking, his shoulders relaxed and so was his eyes, but Peter caught for a small moment the hint of those orbs widening right afterwards.

The Prince straightened himself-even if Peter thought that the Prince could not do so anymore-and the Prince looked at Peter once again. Can this guy become any more sophisticated?

Peter caught the Prince's eyes and he wished that somehow he knew what was behind those oceans. "Do you...want me to leave your presence your majesty?" Peter hated how he had to say the last word. It rolled out like throw-up which he swallowed after.

"No. It is not necessary to do so. You may stay seated."

Peter wasn't liking this Prince. He didn't know why, but the possibility that he could have Angel under his hands worried him a lot. The Prince's strikingly neat attire, princely face, dark hair, and dark blue eyes told him that he was not someone to trust.

Peter tried not to make his eyes turn into slits. He didn't feel nervous as he did earlier, but now, all he felt was annoyance towards every perfectly seeming movement the Prince made.

The Prince paid no heed towards Peter's studying eyes. He held the letter and began to break the seal and paper with a short knife. He slid it ever so cleanly with a professional air, almost as if opening letters was an etiquette one must master.

The seal broke as if it was told to, and the Prince took out the content within. The paper was very neatly folded, it's edges precisely on the corners, making it appear as if the piece was never creased. Prince Chance opened it up, his fingers smoothly gliding upon it that it would not make a crinkle.

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