Dripping Seconds

791 46 24

A/N: music for your reading at the top. 

Ludovico Einaudi -Time Lapse 

I hope you guys enjoy it! :) 


Bags hung under the boy's eyes. Gavin knew that the boy hasn't been sleeping well and he was beginning to notice that the boy also has forgotten to eat. Gavin was concerned. What if Angel was just the huntress? The whole thing didn't seem right. 

Gavin gazed at the boy while he treaded the forest. Peter almost tripped on the ground, but he caught himself. The boy was really out of sorts. 

"You okay?" Gavin said as he neared closer. 

"Yea, I'm fine." 

Gavin knew that wasn't the case though. Gavin was getting to know Peter more and more as they worked together throughout the forests. The boy seemed to open up well to him and Gavin felt a link between them two. It was almost as if they were lifelong friends. 

Gavin wondered at how Angel was being treated. He hoped that Prince Chance wasn't in one of his moods again. It could be very harsh when the prince was in a focused mode. Prince Chance had a way of putting lots of his energy in things that needed to be done and Gavin was afraid that Prince Chance would do what he had done before. 

"So, tell me more about your friend..." Gavin broke the silence as he thought.

"Well, what do you want to know about my friend?"

"Like...what is she like? What are your favorite things about Angel?"

Peter stopped in his tracks not daring to look behind him where Gavin was standing. 

"What is she like?" Peter repeated the question.

"Yea. What do you think of her?"

Peter paused. "She's like the greatest friend you could ever count on."

"What do you mean?"

"She listens. She listens like she means it. If there was something going on and you needed someone to talk to, it's her. She's the one to talk to."

Gavin moved a step and Peter started moving forward.

"Tell me more." 

"She was as if she was my mom. She would take care of us..."

"Us?" Peter stopped abruptly and then continued walking. 

"I mean, she would take care of me. She knew how to fix things when it seemed like nothing could be fixed. She believed in the impossible...and she believed it could be done." Peter looked at Gavin.

Gavin nodded. "Wow. She sounds like a great person."

"She is a great person."


Prince Chance found himself fidgeting with his father's letter in his hands all over again. He sat down on a red cushioned wooden chair in his study room. A desk stood beside him, a dagger sitting on top of the black walnut table. 


His eyes trailed to the dagger. Replacing the letter in his hand, the dagger soon fit the grooves between his fingers as he played with it. 

How can a princess like Angelica become the huntress of Alleyal? How did she get in without me noticing her as the friend of Prince Abason? 

Prince Chance sighed. How did Prince Abason never tell him about her?

Prince Chance felt shattered. His blonde hair hung loose on his face and brushed against his eyebrows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2018 ⏰

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