Dimming Gleam

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Prince Chance just knew it was her. Prince Chance needed to see Prince Abason again. He remembered the messenger boy that came to him, mentioning that the huntress was his friend since Angel was a little girl. It didn't make sense to him. Prince Abason knew her too at a younger age, and if she was the princess, there was something going on that he really didn't know about.

Prince Chance looked at the piece of paper his father had for him. He had it folded into a square creased perfectly to fit into an envelope. Although he brought it with him everywhere, Prince Chance kept it in good condition.

He tapped the envelope in his hands. Why in the world would the Fatenturia Princess be the huntress of Alleyal? And after all this time? She was there? With Prince Abason? He wasn't trusting it. Prince Chance believed that Prince Abason just recently met her and she told him a fake story. Prince Abason was his close friend. He knew almost everything about him. Why on earth would he tell him this now?

Prince Chance slipped the envelope into his lock journal where he kept his check lists, then placed it into the horse's saddle. He was outside now in the calm with the light dimming its gleam. Prince Chance knew that his men were searching the forest. It became questionable to him that Prince Abason would have a missing huntress and have a messenger boy that knew her well sent to him. He feared that he was wrong about his assumptions. He could tell that Prince Abason had close relations with the girl.

Prince Abason was hiding something. He knew Prince Abason was still at his castle, however. He had recently met up with him and knew that Prince Abason had specific duties there. But the messenger boy bothered him. Prince Chance already hurt the girl and the search for the girl was obvious.

Prince Chance considered the possibilities. He changed his mind and opened his journal again. Now with pen in hand, he etched words describing that Prince Abason must have been duped about the girl. He wrote Peter's name and underlined it. 

The boy didn't make sense. Peter was a childhood friend. 

Prince Chance went to look for Prince Abason again. Peter was in close contact with him and he believed that Peter must be endangering him. The men were moving already around the forest searching for the missing Fates. He saddled himself on the horse starting it with a galloping pace. He watched the trees bypassing him while he had a new order in mind. 

He wanted the search to be pushed faster.

He wanted a deadline. 

If Peter was part of the Fates, the Fates were on the move.


Peter and Prince Abason headed back to the camp. He watched the messenger in the distance conversing with a few men. Peter had snuck from tree to tree, and he began signaling Prince Abason the last few feet that he needed for them to finally walk in plain sight. Prince Abason waited for three seconds. He watched the messenger talk which had no idea of what the two were doing. Peter touched the crunching leaves below him to grab his attention. Prince Abason turned to look at Peter and Peter waved his hand towards himself showing him his cue. Prince Abason scuffled to Peter while Peter watched the surrounding. Prince Abason patted him on the arm and they both hushed. The messenger at the distance waved his hands in explanation emphasizing that they needed to continue their work faster. It was apparent that the men were in a more restful state, as some of them lingered around just camping with no specific straining order.

The leaders communicating with the messenger shook hands with the messenger. The messenger nodded feeling a sense of completion while he watched the leaders turn around and wave their hands in the air in a calling command. Belted voices filled the wooded area. Peter and Abason took this as their cue, as the men began to move towards the leaders.

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