Too Close For Comfort

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They blindfolded Angel this time. Angel didn't like it one bit, but she didn't give them any struggle. She could try an escape once again and take her chances, but it wouldn't work, yet at least. It may not be working out well right now, but she knew, her time will come. She will be free.

Prince Chance looked at her with his amused eyes once again. He gave her a devilish look, but Angel left her eyes lifeless. His hands held the cloth that was to be placed upon her dark eyes so they wouldn't be able to see it and she wouldn't be able to see what they were doing or taking her to. Angel remained calm, although during her entire time her whole body felt on edge, as if ready for another surprise. She tensed and she breathed trying to keep her head sharp now as well as her ears.

Prince Chance touched her cheek with his thumb, Angel let him, but inside, she felt hostile to the touch. She didn't like being touched. She blinked almost in an attempt to disappear to another world, but she knew that wouldn't happen. She didn't leave them closed for long though.

Prince Chance's eyes gazed upon her lips. His fingers soon found their way to them and he gave her lip a soft swipe with his thumb as his other fingers grazed the bottom of her chin and neck.

Angel prevented her urge to bite on his fingers. It would only make matters worse. Instead, she threw daggers with her eyes. She didn't like what he was doing. He was getting too close.

"Don't touch me." She simply said when he held his eyes there for too long.

He chuckled, and a side to him Angel saw a bit of earlier, came back. "You don't tell me what to do." He smirked with another devilish smile. "I tell you what to do, and I tell them what to do. You," He paused, "Do what I tell you."

Angel just kept her mouth shut and tried to prevent what she wanted to say next, but it came out. "How disgusting."

Prince Chance was obviously offended coming from the look on his face. He pierced his eyes back, and Angel immediately knew that she made a wrong move.

"Get me another strip of cloth."

"What sir?"

"Another strip of cloth! Can you not hear? Get me another strip of cloth to shut her mouth up!"

The only soldier who actually responded to Prince Chance's orders bowed. "Yes sir."

Angel blanked her face once again as Prince Chance hovered his face to hers. His body touched hers parallel with a few inches between and his head sided right next to her neck until his mouth reached her ear once more. "Now, you listen to my orders, and you will obey them. Understood?" He almost said the last part in a gentle yet aggressive manner.

Angel didn't reply.

"Understood?" He said once again. Angel still didn't reply. "Speak to me!" His hands were now on her arms. Angel was stiff, and Prince Chance's face faced hers.

"Yes, sir."


"I only didn't speak because you told the man to keep my mouth shut."

"Now, you may shut."

Angel mentally laughed in her head. She knew she was still being stubborn, but she just couldn't help it. She was being optimistic about what she was doing. He doesn't even know I just agreed for his command to speak to him, not all his commands. Angel knew it was childish to think so, but she found that it brightened her situation. She may be forced into going back with her not having the ability to choose and leave, but she can do a little bit of her own choices she's free to do here and there.

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