Hope Diminished

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Peter speculated about Gavin, but he decided that he was probably overthinking it. He did ask a lot of questions. Peter knew there were boundaries, however. At some point, something was going to fall out and spill.

A couple of seconds passed. Gavin stared at the ground as if the world was timeless.

Gavin was doing the exact same thing Peter was. Speculating. He didn't know which side he should be believing. Gavin rubbed his temples in front of Peter. From the looks of it, he appeared frustrated. Peter watched him closely, but once Gavin raised his face and met Peter's eyes, Peter shied away.

Gavin noticed what he was doing, but he also wondered why the boy stayed put. The boy sat there, eyes meandering to the things around the room and back to Gavin.

"What is it boy? I have much to think about." Gavin said. "Do you not want to go back to your quarters until I meet with you for supper?"

"I understand sir. But it appears that I do not desire to leave without something being done, sir, and it seems to me that you asked me questions in accordance to the disappearance of the huntress. I am in wonder as to why. All this information has been given out to the group of men Prince Chance assigned me to. May I ask why you desire to know?"

Gavin took another second. "Oh, of course. I am here also to assist you. I have more questions to inquire.." Gavin shifted his seat. Who to believe? Gavin eyed the boy. He appeared young, a naive look on his face, but signs of worry truly marked his child-like appearance.

"I might be able to.." Gavin changed his wording. The boy stood still, but was apparently alert at the call of any emergency. Gavin recalled some of the things he heard about about Prince Chance. Many people said that the prince was a troubled boy, but as the years took hold, he changed, or at least a few say so. The other half said it was the other way around. They said he was a good young lad who grew up with many burdens, which later took him into a wicked turn. But no one really knew. The Prince had his way with people. Gavin also heard that the prince was a double-minded man.

Gavin went more for the latter. That the prince did have many burdens, that the prince at times did try to be good, but faltered into the ways of wickedness and pleasure, that, Gavin believed. Gavin, in ways, understood. When a person is filled with many worries, stresses, and struggles of the world, a person such as the Prince, the gravity of falling becomes much easier to do. The weight on the prince's shoulders must have been crushing. In truth, Gavin admired people who had many things upon their plate and admired them more if they tried to maintain a good stand of character. Reputation could be marred by many, but a person alone in the struggle of maintaining good ground, is a different story. Hearts that carry the worries and cares of the world, burdens much like the prince held, are very difficult.

We never seem to understand why some people falter or gravitate towards temporary wicked pleasures and alleviating worldly things until we understand the difficulty people like the prince faced.

Gavin believed that the prince, however, was trying to do what was right, but he also knew that the prince has his difficulties.

Gavin analyzed the boy once more.

Peter let the man think and he waited patiently. It was important and Peter knew it. If he could, he would have rushed immediately to so something and fund Angel, but as he grew older, he began to realize that without taking the time to understand, his efforts could be pointless.

He wished Angel had waited.

Angel rushed to figure things out and now...he had to come look for her. He wanted to believe that somehow the whole situation will unravel into a desirable turn.

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