Look Beyond Behaviour

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The Black Lake had never looked so inviting. It sparkled and glistened under the blazing sun of May. Though the Hogwarts students had heard from the triwizard champions what unfriendly creatures lurked within the lake, many couldn't help but spend a few moments to daydream about swimming through the smooth, enticing waters. But the beginning of summer only meant one thing for the occupants of Hogwarts castle – the end of year exams. And this crushed all students' wishes of swimming in the lake finely.

The castle was surprisingly quiet. Even the Weasley twins were causing less commotion than usual. Phoenix Lancaster was the most grateful for this. She, being the two prankster's best friend, spent the most time around the pair and this often meant that Phoenix barely had quiet time with the twins and most importantly, time to cram in some revision. But instead of planning their classic end of year prank, Fred and George were actually studying. Though this was mostly down to Phoenix as she had helped them by mapping them out a revision timetable.

"A revision timetable?" Fred was staring at his best friend in absolute disbelief, "really Phoenix?"

"They don't call them Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests for nothing Fred," Phoenix mused, flicking through her copy of The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, smirking as she did so, "And if I so much hear you two breathe whilst I'm revising I will not hesitate to transfigure you both into chipmunks."

The end of year exams were by no means their actual NEWT exams but it was their first real test at the types of questions that would pop up in their exams the following year. The thought of their sixth year coming to a close was daunting. Next year would be their final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and though Phoenix was looking forward to her future and her career, Hogwarts had been her home for the past six years and it would be difficult to say goodbye.

Their first exam was a written Charms exam. It was a roasting hot morning and Phoenix's stomach was growling from hunger and butterflies were fluttering from nerves.

"Relax Pixy," George cooed, patting her hair gently and smiling brightly down at her.

Phoenix looked up at him as though he had lost his mind, "Relax?" she squeaked, seizing ahold of George's sleeve and shaking it violently, "don't you dare tell me to relax George Weasley."

George was very clearly amused by Phoenix's nerves, he took her wrist gently to prevent her from shaking his sleeve again and potentially ripping the second-hand material, "Take deep breaths. You know this subject like the back of your hand."

Phoenix smiled gingerly at him, "Thank you George."

Following her Charms exam, Phoenix then had to take her Transfiguration exam the following afternoon. She barely had time to eat her dinner afterwards because she was due to study for her Ancient Runes exam that took place the next morning.

"I completely panicked at question four," Alicia was saying, she was talking at a hundred miles per hour as they ate their way through lunch (though Alicia was too busy still discussing their exam to even take a bite of her sandwiches). "I completely forgot the hand movement for Aguamenti. It's so simply how could I have forgotten?!"

"Leesh," George said with a pained expression, "If we've said it once, we've said it thousand times... please, for the love of Godric Gryffindor himself, don't talk about the exams we've just taken."

Alicia looked as though she would like nothing more than discuss what she did wrong in the exam, but she obliged with a huff and hastily took a bit of her sandwich.

Shortly after lunch Angelina, Alicia, and Lee left to collect books from the library while Phoenix and the twins remained at the Gryffindor table. Phoenix's books were stacked dangerously beside Fred and he kept glancing at them every few seconds warily.

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