A Vision Of Pink

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PHOENIX RAISED HER EYEBROWS at George. He had just dropped a rather heavy book on the table in front of her, a grin plastered on his face. Phoenix had thought she would never see the day that George Weasley had a book as vast in his rather limited collection of books.

"Uhm," Phoenix began, frowning slightly. "Are you lost?"

"Not at all," George replied, sitting down on the chair across from her, "How To Remember: Memory Charms and how you can fight them by Charlotte Delaunay."

The feeling of unease spread through every vein, every artery in her body. She had, or rather chosen to, forget about her father's decision to Obliviate her memories of her mother. She and her father had avoided the subject all summer, though she had to admit to herself she felt much closer to her father this summer, their relationship was certainly less strained at the very least. Though the cloud that was their mother hung over their heads.

"George," Phoenix mumbled, feeling rather uncomfortable at she looked across at her boyfriend's eager face. "I'm not sure we can do this. Memory Charms are... they're difficult. Breaking one, or erasing one is virtually impossible!"

"But there's a chance we could do it!"

"A slim one!" Phoenix retorted, "A very, very slim one at that!"

"Just read this," George said, pushing the book towards her. "I read it over the summer to help you. It might change your mind."

Phoenix's heart warmed and she felt rather guilty at George's words. His effort touched her and she wished she was not as pessimistic on the subject.

"I will do," she agreed quietly, smoothing her hand over the book's leather cover. "I'm sorry George."

"For what?"

"For being a pessimist."

George opened his mouth to reply but at that precise moment, Fred and Lee bounded over to the couple, both carrying clipboards. Phoenix raised an eyebrow at them and then looked at George. She slipped the heavy book into her bag and returned to her Herbology homework.

"Ready George?" Fred asked brightly, tapping his clipboard smartly with his rather eccentric peacock quill. Lee handed George the clipboard smartly, grinning at Phoenix who was looking curiously between the trio.

"Of course," George replied, getting to his feet.

The twins and Lee then proceeded to approach a small knot of what looked like first year students. Phoenix was watching them closely, her curiosity getting the better of her, especially when she noticed that Fred carried a paper bag full of sweets.

"Alright," called Fred, clapping his hands together and beaming around at the students. "Who's ready to try some sweets?"

"They are not serious," Phoenix muttered to herself, shaking her head as the first years all crowded around Fred.

"Line up, line up!" George ordered cheerily.

"You three really shouldn't be doing this," Phoenix warned, jotting down a few notes on her essay on Snargaluff plants.

"They're getting paid," Fred remarked, holding out a paper bag to the students.

"Yes but–"

"Lighten up Nix," Lee called merrily. "We're just testing the effects on a wider audience, it's called market research."

"You shouldn't be using first years as your testers!" Phoenix scolded, finally losing her patience and snapping her Herbology book shut. She walked over to the twins and Lee, her hair a fiery, almost dangerous red.

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