Mark in the Sky

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"WE WON!" Bellowed Fred, punching the air triumphantly as he walked alongside George, who was carrying Phoenix on his back, her eyes back to their natural ocean blue and although her hair was still a great green in triumphant of Irish's winning.

"I can't believe you actually won that bet," said Phoenix in disbelief. "I mean it was so accurate how on earth did you see that?"

The outcome of the match was what nobody expected, Ludo even said it himself after he had given Fred and George their gold, which was now jingling in their pockets.

"Don't you dare tell your mother you two have been gambling," Mr. Weasley instructed Fred and George as they walked along the lantern light path leading back to the campsite.

"Don't worry, Dad," said Fred airily, waving his father's words away with his hands.

"Yeah, Dad, we have plans for this money. We don't want it to be confiscated."

Phoenix frowned at George's words, slightly confused. But she decided that she would ask them when they weren't so hyped up on the match.

When they finally reached their tents only ten minutes later, Phoenix still on George's back, nobody felt like sleeping, and the noise of the Irish singing their national anthem in victory was not going to help at all. Mr. Weasley decided that they all could have a cup of smoking hot chocolate before going to bed.

"Did you see Krum's flying? It was superb!" Ron exclaimed for about the millionth time.

Phoenix rolled her eyes, "yes Ron, for the millionth time, Krum's flying was out of this world. Now will you please shut up about Krum?"

Fred and Ron were soon arguing about the match, Mr. Weasley and Charlie were disagreeing about cobbing and the rest were talking happily about the match.

"My favourite bit was when the referrer was trying to impress the veela," said Hermione, grinning widely.

"That was so funny," agreed Phoenix, curling her hands around her steaming mug, "did you see Harry doing his pirouettes when the veela were dancing?"

Harry looked slightly flustered but he joined in the laughter all the same.

Ginny soon fell asleep table beside the small table, spilling her hot chocolate all over the floor, so Mr. Weasley told Bill to take Ginny to bed and insist everyone to turn in.

Hermione and Phoenix didn't change into their pajamas and they both collapsed on their beds either side of Ginny and fell asleep to the sound of drunken singing and the odd bangs.

"Phoenix, we have to get up," a hurried voice whispered in her ear, shaking her awake.

"Huh?" Phoenix mumbled, rubbing her eyes and rolling over to see Mr. Weasley, now waking up Hermione and Ginny.

"Something's wrong," and at once, Phoenix could tell that something was indeed wrong. There was no longer any singing; instead she could hear screams of terror and people running past the tent. Her eyes widen and she clambered out of bed, grabbing her wand that was on the floor beside her, "Ginny!"

Ginny slowly woke up, confused, but realised quickly too that something was wrong and grabbed her wand before they rushed out of the tent to join Harry, Ron, Fred and George and they could now see the scene that played in front of them. People were running away into the woods, rushing away from something that was moving towards them, something that was producing very odd flashes of light and bangs that sounded of laughter. Drunken yells, jeering and roars of laughter ripped through the screams, and then came a flash of light brought the something into view.

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