Life and Death

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Being seventeen was not all what it was cracked up to be. Phoenix spent the morning of her birthday stood outside of Lavender Cottage's kitchen with Tonks while the screams and groans of Anastasia entertained them.

"Does she have to give birth on my birthday?" Phoenix mumbled, cupping her cold hands around her mug of tea, "Honestly, typically Ana."

Tonks giggled just as Anastasia shouted 'fuck!' and Cecilia scolded her for her fowl language.

"Where the fuck is Felipe?!"

"Don't swear Will!" Phoenix warned, thumping her drowsy sibling as he met the two witches at the door to the kitchen. "That baby coming out can probably hear you!"

"Felipe is in America you dunderhead," Tonks replied, wincing as Anastasia gave yet another painful shriek from behind the door. "Andrei is trying to refer her to a Muggle hospital but I don't think Cecilia really trusts them and their... well lack of magical remedies."

"Happy birthday, Bud." Will grinned at Phoenix before engulfing her in a hug. She could feel his stubble brush her forehead and she recoiled.

"Haven't you heard of a shave?"

The kitchen door suddenly burst open, revealing a crazed looking Cecilia, her blonde hair spilling from her ponytail and her makeup half done. Phoenix had a brief moment of amusement at her startling resemblance to the Divination teacher, Professor Trelawney.

"William! Get the car ready now!"

"I much would prefer it if you said pleas–"


Will did not need telling twice. Cecilia's crazed appearance made her look strikingly like her sister Narcissa and even Tonks jumped away in fear of being scolded.

Phoenix peered around Cecilia's shoulder to see a gasping Anastasia, red faced and clearly in masses amount of pain. Her knuckles were white as she gripped a chair, Phoenix's father placing a comforting hand on her back and instructing Anastasia on her breathing.

"So are you going to the Muggle hospital?"

"Of course not!" Cecilia scoffed, "Andrei will have to drive her to London and to St. Mungo's. She's in far too much pain to Apparate or Floo. EDMUND! GET DOWN HERE NOW!"

"What if you don't make it too St. Mungo's in time? Is she just going to give birth in a Mini Cooper?"

Cecilia gave Phoenix piercing look that Phoenix was not at all phased by, in fact it rather amused her, just as Edmund came running down the stairs, tripping over a pair of trainers elegantly.

"Happy birthday N–"

"We don't have time for that! Ed! Send a message to Felipe immediately!"

"Merlin's pants," Ed mumbled, he rolled his eyes and did as his mother instructed. He waved his wand and from its tip burst a large, slivery bear. Phoenix watched the Patronus in awe as it moved through the open front door and vanished with a wisp of white smoke behind the rose bushes.

Phoenix's father had managed to get Anastasia out of the kitchen, she was mumbling in pain, clutching her heavy bump and swearing that she'd curse Felipe as soon as she saw him.

"Sorry about stealing your birthday thunder Nix," Anastasia said through teeth that were gritted in pain. "But this baby is ready to burst out of my AH!"

"It's okay Ana," Phoenix chuckled, giving Anastasia a quick but comforting hug, "Now go and get that baby out!"

Andrei Lancaster, along with his tense and nervous wife and step-daughter who was swearing and letting out moans of pain, reversed from the cottage's long driveway and sped away. Phoenix was quite pleased that she didn't have to hear Anastasia's cries of pain or Cecilia's yells of 'STEADY BREATHING ANA!'. It had been an eventful morning to say the least. Phoenix had woken up, much earlier than usual, since Tonks had burst into her room shouting her birthday wishes for Phoenix. After ducking a pillow Phoenix had thrown at her, Tonks had then informed Phoenix of Anastasia's water breaking and thus chaos had ensued.

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