Chapter Fifteen: Frank Zhang

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The door to the last compartment banged open, and Nico came in, red-faced, trailed by Percy, who was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

"What happened to you guys?" Annabeth asked, steadying Percy.

"No- nothing," Percy said between laughs.

"Harry thought that I was flirting with Ginny." Nico cringed.

Percy stopped laughing at his tone and took a seat next to Annabeth.

"Why?" I asked. "Did you say something?"

"I had my hand on her shoulder so I could lift the Mist off the SPQR tattoos," Nico said.

Piper yelped. "You did what?"

Annabeth said, more calmly, "That could be disastrous. If you inadvertently took all the Mist off, we could be in very deep trouble."

Hazel spoke up from my left. "One of the girls, Luna, she's clear-sighted, so I lifted the Mist around her too."

"Annabeth, show them the note." Percy tugged a piece of parchment paper from Annabeth's pocket and passed it around.

Everyone started arguing at once, talking about Mist and cover stories and gods know what else. My ears started to ache, so I focused on loud animals, turning myself into a hawk and letting out a screech that shut everyone up.

I changed back to my normal form. "Thank you!" I said. "One at a time. What's going on?"

Annabeth started to talk first. "Luna knows my prophecy. Her mom used to sing it, along with a couple other lines that kind of document my life."

Percy picked up the story from there. "Ron Weasley thinks that our SPQR tattoos are Death Eater tattoos."

Quickly, Jason recapped what Death Eaters were.

"We may have a bigger problem," Annabeth said. "Luna's note said that her Divination teacher was saying the lines of my part of that prophecy."

Nico cut in quickly, like he was worried that he might miss his chance to talk. "The spirits are restless, too. There's one that keeps surfacing, a woman with red hair. And Harry is sending off waves of death. It's a huge part of his aura. That's why I fell over."

I frowned. "I had this dream of a huge battle, and our gracious wizard hosts were in it, and... Hi."

I looked up at Hermione, who was standing in the doorway, wearing black robes and a scarlet and gold tie.

"You guys better change into your robes; I expect we'll be arriving soon."


So yeah, this is kind of a recap-chap, but we found out new information about Nico's swooning episode XD, and Hermione said almost exactly what she said to Ron and Harry when they first met on the train.

The next chapter will be Super Hot Freaking McShizzle Leo's, which I know you're all waiting for.

And as for the beginning of the chapter, when Perce is laughing sooo hard, I feel. I almost died laughing when I wrote the end of the last chapter, and I am still cracking up AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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