Sorry guys...

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Hey guys!

I have some news that most of you are going to want to murder me over this, but I hope you understand.

I know I haven't updated this story in forever and that's probably really lame but...

I've been going back and rereading all this and I just realized my writing was such crap.

So, I started this story in 2015, when I was super excited about crossovers and stuff, but this story doesn't really excite me anymore.

It may not seem like that to many people, but the plot is REALLY bad. It has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. And my characterization was terrible.

I'm not taking this book down, however! Even thought I think it was really bad, I'm super proud of how many reads it got. I love every single person who read this and I thank you for coming on this journey with me!

I'm turning this book to complete right after I post this and the final chapter of Demigods at Hogwarts is coming to a close.

BUT! There is more writing on my account that I actually like, so be sure to check those out. #advertising.

For the final time on this book,

Bye guys! Love from Kat.

The End.

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