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It was the end of a normal day in Thunderclan, warriors were heading to their nests to get some rest and energy for the following sunrise. The temperature was dropping as the evening was slowly turning to night. 

All had been silent before a shriek of pain came from the nursery breaking the silence.

"Someone get Fawntail! Willowcloud is kitting!" A tom yowled, sending an apprentice to get the medicine cat, but the medicine cat was already rushing towards the nursery with herbs in her jaws. Inside the bramble abode the queen was screeching with pain.

"Willowcloud, it's Fawntail. Just breathe. You're going to be ok." The she-cat murmured, placing a stick by Willowcloud's muzzle and placed her paws gently on her stomach as she tried to calm the kitting queen.

"The first one is coming." She meowed to a few of the shecats that had gathered in case Fawntail needed help.

After a small groan of pain Willowcloud bit into the sturdy stick. Her eyes were slitted in pain as she sank her teeth further into the wood. The wood creaked as if in response to the queen. After what seemed like seasons a little wet bundle of yellow fur slid out. Fawntail nipped open the sack, "Witheringpaw, I need you to lick the kit's fur the wrong way in order to warm it up," she ordered. The apprentice had happened to be nearest to Willowcloud.  

Witheringpaw just nodded her head and work licking the kit. "It's a shecat!" Witheringpaw announced with a purr, placing the now-squirming kit at Willowcloud's belly.

With a small, pleased purr Fawntail murmured "One more," as she began gently kneading the ginger queen's stomach.

Groaning with exhaustion, Willowcloud bit the stick again, snapping it in half as a white and ginger tabby bundle slid out. "Another shekit! Well done!" Fawntail exclaimed, her purr only crescendoing as the kits began to mewl and wriggle around .

At the same moment, a black and white tom burst in. "Willowcloud?" He meowed softly. 

His mate looked up at him purring weakly while wearing a weary expression but her eyes shone proudly. "Two of them." She murmured.

  Blackice nodded. "What do you want to name them? " he purred back, resting behind Willowcloud, draping his tail over her flank protectively yet affectionately. "How about the little yellow one is Lemonkit." She yawned, gesturing to the sleeping bundle of fur. Blackice nodded thoughtfully, "and the white and ginger one... Starkit." He purred. Willowcloud gave him a doubtful look. Starkit? she thought dubiously, but reluctantly nodded her agreement, purring drowsily before falling asleep. 

With a brisk nod to Blackice, Fawntail got up, gathering her herbs, and left leaving the new family to have their moment.

"Starclan, please protect these kits," Blackice murmured before beginning to groom his mate.

Starpool's Secret- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now