Chapter Seventeen

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[Chapter Seventeen] 

She stared up at the rather handsome warrior. We haven't spoke since the gathering, it was such a long time ago-compared to now-and she, surprisingly, had a desire to talk to him. Maybe my knowing Lemonflower didn't love him, like she acts, is the reason. She told herself, trying to find a logical explanation.  

"So..are you ok?" The cream colored tom with beautiful rippling brown stripes asked courteously while breaking her thoughts. He had an ambiguous look of concern for her while his amber gaze gave nothing away. If he was concerned about her wellbeing, she took the thought warmly, if not, she assumed he thought she was a crazy cat.

Why is he suddenly taking interest in me now? She thought while getting that familiar feeling when someone was staring. Glancing around the den, her gaze met Lemonflowers and hers was burning with jealousy. Her expression allowed Starpool to feel a twinge of satisfaction. Turning her gaze back to Treeripple, she meowed casually, "I'm fine, just had a nightmare is all-" She paused, shuddering for effect. 

His gaze had softened and to her surprise, he licked her head comfortingly, "Well, if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here," he meowed softly before walking away and leaving her speechless. 

From behind, she heard a growl. It belonged to Lemonflower, who had stalked over to where Starpool was and stood over her, her eyes narrowed to slits, "Two can play at this game," she hissed quietly, "But don't worry, I'll make you pay for trying to take him away from me," She purred sickly sweet. Having had enough of her sister, Starpool rose out of her nest, her taller figure giving her more height, and now she was the one looking down at Lemonflower. 

"You are the one who dragged me into this mess," she meowed deathly quiet and pushed Lemonflower back as she took a threatening step forward, "You are the one messing with two toms, not me," She took another step forward while forcing her half sister back again, "You still think you're better than me, clearly by the way you think that both of them love you. Get over it, one truly loves you and you should focus on him and not waste your time with one who doesn't," Like I did, she thought penitently- feeling as if she had done wrong to push Treeripple away because she was too wrapped up in herself and her own problems and her own drama, not making any time for the one who did truly care in the end. By this point she had Lemonflower pushed into a corner. Lemonflower's angered gaze was gone replaced by a look of pure hatred. Starpool held her gaze trying not to flinch under the intensity. 

While the tension continued to grow, there was a sudden flash of white. The flash was replaced with pain below Starpool's neck and a burning sensation. Looking down in a stunned state, a rather deep wound ran straight across her chest. The blood was turning the white fur around it pink and that slowly turned into red. 

"Do not blame everything on me! You-" Lemonflower hissed this time not bothering to keep her voice down, but it soon became a background noise to Starpool. She wasn't listening. She was feeling. She was feeling the rage boil inside her and the inability to suppress it from escalating. The only thing she could hear was the sound of her heartbeat in her ears. Enough is enough. I'm tired of her pushing me around! Lemonflower never got to finish her argument as Starpool had lunged at her and taking up what little space she had left, sinking her claws into her shoulder while biting her ear. She could hear Lemonflower screech in pain but that didn't stop her, she continued to maul her sister as if she were her worst enemy. 

"H-Help!" Lemonflower caterwauled pitifully as she was in a weak state. Starpool never reacted to her attacks, whether it be physical or emotional and this was the first time so she was in shock. 

"Shut up you fool!" Starpool snarled darkly, backing up just enough to grab her by the back of her neck. With all the built up anger she was feeling, she was ready to kill her. She hadn't noticed a few warriors and Winterstar come in from behind. 

"Starpool! What in the name of Starclan are you doing?!" Winterstar exclaimed in bewilderment, breaking Starpool's enraged trance-like state, while Blackice had lunged forward and heaved her off Lemonflower. 

"You're just like your father," Blackice suddenly spat, "Always hurting others no matter the cost," He turned to Lemonflower who was crouching in a pathetic manner and shaking. Starpool couldn't hear anything else he had said as he was comforting Lemonflower. 

Your daughter. 

She let out a surprised yelp. She was being held down by Midnightsong and Ashwing. Both of them were stunned into silence. She glared at Blackice, "Of course, take your daughters' side, since I'm not even related to you right? Since you didn't hear my side but instantly think I'm evil-" 

"Enough!" Winterstar roared, "What were you thinking, attacking Lemonflower like that? Especially since she's carrying kits?" Winterstar demanded, standing in front of Starpool and blocking her view from Blackice and Lemonflower. She doesn't deserve to have kits, Starpool responded silently. 

"She attacked me!" Lemonflower was wailing, "She couldn't accept the fact that Treeripple didn't love her, and loved me! I tried reasoning with her, but she went crazy! I tried to fight back, but she had me cornered!" She continued to whimper, her voice shaking, "I-I wanted to tell Treeripple I was expecting his kits today...she already knew and told me she wanted to kill my kits when they're born!"

"That's not true!" Starpool snarled, trying to rise back up but Midnightsong and Ashwing shoved her back down with a grunt, "You deceiving monster!" She hissed wildly, her claws unsheathed as she sank them into the ground, trying to fight Ashwing and Midnightsong's current grasp on her, but she wasn't strong enough. She had no idea Lemonflower was expecting. All I've ever wanted was for her to care about me as much as I cared about her! I even hid her secret for her, making it my own! Everything I do is wrong and I get blamed for it all! She thought, the thought of her being rejected over and over, time and time again was driving her insane. She continued to struggle, her chest burning as she scraped up moss and dirt in her attempts to free herself. 

"Starpool?" Willowcloud meowed in disbelief. She hadn't heard her mother enter. Turning her head over her shoulder, she saw Willowcloud, staring at her with a mix of emotions so strong it tore her up inside even more. Why must they all hate me? She thought as her rage continued to grow. Why should her thoughts matter? She's dead to me! She thought as if her brain were reminding her, but her heart and emotions said otherwise. 

"Let me up!" Starpool screeched in complete desperation. She needed to leave this place and they were holding her down. She was panicking, "Willowcloud, help me!" She yowled, hoping her mother would have some sort of love for her left, "I'm your daughter for Starclan's sake," She croaked. 

Willowcloud stared at her, her expression blank. After what seemed like moons, she walked past her, expressionless, and nuzzled Lemonflower. "Something needs to be done about Starpool," She meowed in such a cold way that it made her flinch. 

What did you expect?! Remember your little confrontation? Yeah, think she's going to help you now? A little voice sneered in her ears. 

"Let me go!" Starpool yowled again, heaving upwards. She had taken them surprise as they thought she had finally given up. Pushing past them, she exited the den, racing out towards the exit. 

"Stop her! She can't leave camp!" Winterstar yowled. He along with Midnightsong and Ashwing were chasing after her, soon more cats were joining in. She had a few foxlengths from the exit. Not wanting to be caught again, she ran and leapt. 

It was enough to make it to the exit. Pushing through the brambles savagely, she ran further away from Thunderclan. 

This is no longer home. 


A/N: Eeeeeeek! The plot thickens, so much happening omg! Things will die down later, I promise...and this book is coming to an end soon! I'll carry this plot on in the next book...And don't worry, cats who deserve pain and will come soon. Very soon. 

Until next time! 


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