Chapter Thirteen

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[Chapter Thirteen]

The murmurs and whispers rose to full on discussion of confusion and fear.

"What's going to happen to us?!"

"Whose coming?!"

"Where are Dewfoot and Appledawn? I heard Dewfoot was expecting your kits!"

"Why did you run away?!"

"Traitor! Coming back so soon after killing Witheringlight?!"

The yowls or murmurs continued to swarm towards the warrior, overwhelming him. Thunderheart was one of the most respected and trusted cats in the clan. Why would he want to do anything now? Starpool thought, but time and time again, their ancestors history proved that even the most loyal of cats could have a dark heart. Thunderheart looked around wildly. He opened his mouth to say more yet didn't get the chance as he collapsed, falling unconscious.

"Someone get Fawntail!" Winterstar demanded yet never took his eyes off the weakened cat yet his eyes held a meaningful expression. A cat raced over to retrieve Thunderclan's medicine cat. In a few heartbeats, Fawntail had arrived.

"I'm here," she meowed pushing through the crowd to get to the fallen warrior. She sniffed his wounds and carefully looked over his crusted, swollen eye. "Starpool, help me take him to my den," The medicine cat ordered. Starpool dubiously obeyed. She didn't like how close she had to get to the tom's swollen eye as the pus threatened to trickle down her neck as she lifted him. She nearly staggered under his weight but she was able to keep her balance.

"This way," Fawntail meowed sharply, breaking Starpool's focus on the threatening ooze while trotting through the crowd that had parted like the red sea. She followed as fast as she could, nearly gagging as the pus plopped on her neck. Ignoring it with all her strength, she entered the medicine den and carefully set him down as fast as she could.

The medicine cat pushed her way around them, checking to see if anyone had pursued. Turning around, she meowed briskly, "Set him down over there," she gestured with her tail to an open nest used for patients, "After sundown, meet me here," She meowed vaguely.

Starpool gave her an addled look, "What?" She asked, "Why?"

Fawntail, who had been working diligently on Thunderheart's wounds, looked up at her intensely. The pretty medicine cat's eyes seemed to pierce Starpool's very soul, "Do not question your medicine cat," She replied sharply, "Just do as I say," She added before carrying on with her duties, all intense expressions gone and replaced with a gentleness Starpool had always seen.

Not seeing any form of response, she turned tail and headed for the exit.

"Oh and if I were you, I'd jump into a stream and get that pus off your fur," Fawntail added with a hint of a smile, amusement lightening her voice.

Starpool cringed, remembering the results of infection that had leaked from Thunderheart's eye and hurried out, darting over to a stream just outside camp.

The ginger and white warrior had finished her quick cleansing, exiting the stream with a shiver. She looked around her territory. The ground beneath her paws was soft and spongey. The forest was silent while the cold air nipped at her skin. The only birds that sang were the crows as leafbare had officially arrived. Weak and cold sunlight dappled the ground, finding its way through the branches that had once held bright green leaves. Now, what was left of the trees was the dull brown branches. A few pale orange and yellow leaves still clung onto the branches, threatening to let go as the wind whistled through her familiar territory. As cold as it was, and as cold as she was, she inhaled deeply. The smells of the once full forest had changed and replaced with the smells of a sleeping forestland. I'm surprised it hasn't snowed yet, she thought with another shiver. She stood at the bank, looking left and right. Left pointed her home and into camp. If she went now, she knew she could warm up there and grab something to eat. She then turned her head to the right, peering into the now exposed territory. It would lead her further into the woods.

Starpool then looked to the sky, seeing a v-formation of birds in the vast blue sky above her. The sun was still high up. Probably the last of them, she assumed. Returning her gaze to the decision in front of her, she began her mental debate about which direction she would go. If I go home, she reasoned, I could get some fresh kill and I could see Fawntail later. She then looked to the right. She felt as if it were beckoning her. She felt as if something--or someone--was waiting for her.

Coming to a conclusion after bickering with herself, Starpool followed what felt right.

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