Chapter Eighteen

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[Chapter Eighteen]

Starpool's paws thrummed against the earth. Where do I go now? She thought. She considered joining another clan, like Windclan or Riverclan, but that would be weird. She didn't know anyone and especially since she's from Thunderclan, there would probably be much debate on letting her stay or not. Ok, so that eliminates those options. She blinked, realizing there was one place she might be welcome. 


She pondered the thought. Since her last encounter with Beetlewing, she decided against it. He probably would make something up about me, considering he's deputy and his leader probably holds onto every word he says, She rolled her eyes, Looks like I'm going rogue, she thought, I can't stay in the clan territories anymore though. She thought when and after what felt like a season of pondering, she had her answer. I guess I could check out the Twolegplace. Besides, she didn't want to be involved with any of the clans for a long time. This may help her find herself as an individual, and not be seen as what the clans identify her as. Changing her direction, she headed straight for the Twolegplace, pushing herself to go even faster. Swerving through the trees and pushing through undergrowth, she could hear her heart beating in her ears, the ground underfoot soon felt as if it were clouds. That soon changed abruptly when she came across a thunderpath. She inhaled slowly, trying not to gag as she also inhaled the fumes produced by the thunderpath and it's monsters than seemed forbidden to stray from. 

She placed a paw on the thunderpath warily, her ears perked vigilantly. She didn't hear nor feel any sudden monster activity. Taking another deep breath, she flung herself across the thunderpath, the hard rock-like substance scraping and burning her paw pads. She, only having one foot to run. She leapt instead, landing on the other side. The grass was short, brittle and in some patches, dead. It was uncomfortable to walk on, but she continued her journey farther into the twolegplace. 

News sights and smells greeted her. The overpowering stench of sickly sweet flowers from twoleg homes filled the air along with other bitter scents. Some were earthy, some had a smell she couldn't describe. She'd heard stories of this place. A lot took place here during the Cold Vengence War. She thought about the condition her clan--her ex-clan--was in right now. Grief was everywhere in camp and Thunderheart had returned a moon or so ago. Whatever happened to Dewfoot and Appledawn? If the rumors of Dewfoot having kits were true, she may have had them by now, Starpool thought. Starpool sighed. She didn't exactly feel like playing hero right now. Her first priority would to first find shelter and a good source of prey. She was walking in between to weird stone walls, and the shiny, tall, silver ones were pressed against it. 

"Hey! You there! Forest cat!" A shout broke her thoughts. Turning around, she curled her lip in a snarl, her hackles lifting. She looked for the source of the voice. She didn't see anyone. 

"Woah woah, keep your fur on," the voice chuckled. Something out of the corner of her eye shifted, instantly grabbing her attention. 

"What do you want," She spat, her eyes following the shadow as it neared her. It was on top of a large green box. She watched as it leaped down. It took it's dear sweet time, causing her to grow impatient. A handsome black tom with a single brown paw and sparkling green eyes stepped out. 

"I want to know what you're doing on King's territory," He meowed smoothly as he begun to circle her. 

Starpool felt her pelt bristle, but she was also confused. "King?" She echoed.

"Why yes, he owns this half of the twolegplace," he purred, seeming proud to announce this cats' accomplishment, "King doesn't like trespassers on his territory," He took a quick sniff at Starpool, who hissed and swiped out at him. He retracted in time and she missed his muzzle by a whisker. His nose wrinkled as if she carried a putrid stench, "Why don't you get back to your little clan? If you leave peacefully, I'll just let you off with a warning," he purred. 

Starpool's ears flattened, normally she'd be insulted. She took a deep breath, collecting herself. "I don't have a clan anymore. I left," she meowed coolly. 

The strange cat looked at her, peering, "Why do you smell of the forest then?" He asked. 

Starpool rolled her eyes, "I just said I left--literally today--" she was going to stay more but he cut her off. 

"Why?" He asked, an unreadable expression on his visage. 

"Personal reasons," she meowed guardedly. This caused the cat to shrug, "Would you like to join our group?" He asked suddenly, "You'd be sheltered and fed there as long as you obey our orders," he meowed calmly. 

Starpool paused thinking it over. I wouldn't have to worry about where I'd sleep and when my next meal was...she blinked, but..I'd have to give up my freedom I just's probably not much different than a clan, she mentally shrugged and meowed, "Ok," her tail flicked. 

The cat let out a pleased purr, "Welcome. What is your name?" He inquired, taking a step back. His green eyes held a friendliness to them she hadn't seen yet. 

I will not go by my old name. That's the past now, she reminded herself while hesitating as she was struggling to come up with a new name for herself. The tom saw this. 

"If you just left your clan today," he began, "I assume you still have your clan name. Correct?" She nodded in response. He paused, studying her, "Would you like the name Flare?" He asked, "It suits you, I think. I can tell you have a lot of spirit in you," he chuckled. Flare. She thought it had a nice ring to it. She liked it. 

"Alright. Call me Flare." 


A/N: Chapter 18 is done!! Sorry it took me a while..Oh and if you haven't checked out that contest-a chance to be in my book-then please check it out! The part where I need more cats is coming up soon XD! Well, this book will be coming to a close soon. Also, I made a decision--the next book is when more cats will start to die *coughcoughlemonflowercoughcough* and some older characters will be returning. Stay tuned! 


P.s. Updated the Allegiances--update is on the bottom of that page..! 

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