Chapter One

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[Chapter One]

Her world was black. Starkit heard the chatter of cats but she couldn't see them. "Starkittt" someone whined. Who is that? She thought as she heard a she-cat, her mother, snort. "Lemonkit, let your sister open her eyes when she wants. She won't open them when you demand."  Starkit simply yawned, stretching her little limbs as if in response to her mother's words. 

The sun had risen as the next day began, setting a hazy glow inside the nursery. The warm, radiant rays of the morning sun hit her tiny face as she began to slowly opened her eyes. Starkit quickly shut them again, letting her eyes adjust to the light that shown through her eyelids, making them pink. She was suddenly tackled from above, making her yelp with surprise.

"Willowcloud! Duskfur! Everyone! My sister opened her eyes!" A kit yowled, her shrill mew echoed throughout the nursery and entered the rest of the camp. It was the kit from yesterday and she had come to know her as Lemonkit. Willowcloud was the first to wake. "Welcome to Thunderclan, young Starkit." She purred, nuzzling her daughter. Starkit took a good look at her mother, gazing up at her, taking in her mother's appearance for the first time. She took in her mother's soft ginger fur and rich brown paws. Looking up, she met her mother's radiant amber eyes with her own-her slender face and gentle features wearing a warm and loving expression.

 "Mother, can we go outside?" Lemonkit asked, bouncing on her paws as she broke Starkit's train of thought. 

Willowcloud simply purred with amusement, "After you've been cleaned," She grabbed Lemonkit with a paw, beginning to groom her fur. Starkit dashed away, not having any desire to be cleaned just yet. She wanted to explore. Not looking at where she was going, she collided into something soft and furry.

"Woah!" A kit squeaked as he got to his paws. 

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to-" Starkit stammered, looking to see it was a cream and white tabby tom. His stripes rippled beautifully through his shiny coat. Woah, Starkit thought. "I'm Treekit, who are you?" He chirped, his warm amber eyes alight with amusement. 

"You flea-brain. That's Starkit, Willowcloud's kit." A black shecat hissed into his ear rolling her eyes.

 "Oh yes, I remember. Born the day before," Treekit purred.

"Don't act so mighty Treekit! You're only a moon old, just as I am!" The black shekit snapped as her blue eyes sparkled. Starkit could already tell this she-kit had a fiesty personality. Before she could say anything more, a new voice joined in.

"Skykit! Treekit!" A dusky brown queen called rolling her amber eyes that matched Treekits'. Must be their mother, Starkit guessed.

"Leave Starkit alone!" Treekit and the black kit opened their mouths to say otherwise but they were silenced by a look from their mother. "Yes mother." They muttered in unison. The queen gave a satisfied snort before resting her head on her paws, dozing.

"Don't mind my mother, Foxsong," the black shekit told Starkit who had been standing there awkwardly after that, "I'm Skykit, Treekit's sister," Skykit smiled, "Have fun on your first day out!" With that, she padded away before Starkit had a chance to respond, Treekit following his sister.

Seeing she was now alone, the young ginger and white kit padded back to Lemonkit and Willowcloud, her mind still on the way Treekit's eyes glimmered in the pale light. They were pretty-

"Did you hear what I just said? Willowcloud said we could go out!" Lemonkit meowed, snapping Starkit out of her thoughts.

Starkit's eyes brightened, "Really?! Let's go!" She turned, running out of the nursery. Her short attention span, being a kit, was already kicked into action. She had seen where cats could come and leave by watching other cats come in and out. 

Hurrying through the entrance on stubby legs Starkit greeted by a bright light causing her to shut her eyes. Once she reopened her eyes, she was amazed at what saw. Cats of all shapes, colors and sizes were bustling around camp. One cat was in the clearing, sending cats out. Others were basking in the sunlight, some eating prey, others going in and out of dens.

"Woah..." Starkit and Lemonkit breathed out. A silver tabby with bright blue eyes spotted them and made her way over to the two kits.

"You must be Willowcloud's kits, right?" She asked cheerfully. Silent with awe, they nodded. "I'm Witheringpaw-" She started only to be interrupted a sharp meow that was heard from the other side of the camp. Starkit peered underneath Witheringpaw to see a very annoyed looking black cat with a light grey tail and blue eyes standing near the exit.

"Oh- maybe we could talk later. See you around, kits!" Flashing the two kits an aplogetic look, Witheringpaw hurried away.

Lemonkit watched her hurry away with a snort.of relief, "Now we can explore camp!" She exclaimed as excitement filled her voice, bounding away and leaving Starkit to follow.
A/N: Crystal here! I hope this chapter was alright! Next chapter will be up soon :)

May you find shelter when you sleep, swift hunting and guidance from the stars,

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