Chapter Seven

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[Chapter Seven]

"Well?" Starpaw demanded, her tail lashing furiously. Around her, her clanmates-especially the older warriors-shifted uncomfortably as Starpaw confronted her mother. Their discomfort didn't matter to Starpaw-she was willing to confront the whole clan at this point. A few of the warriors watched the other clans leave. She noticed each from every clan had a few cats that were being nosy, and trying to pick up snippets of the conversation. 

Willowcloud didn't respond. At first her face wore shock. Starpaw used to see Willowcloud's face as comforting and loving--now she saw it as the face that betrayed her and lied to her about who she was. Her mother simply closed her eyes, inhaling slowly, "Can we talk at camp?" She finally meowed sounding as if it pained her to breathe and speak. 

Starpaw let out a low hiss of frustration, "Fine," and pushed past her. Winterstar blinked awkwardly before leading the group home.

When they arrived, Starpaw stood in the clearing, waiting for Willowcloud. The moonlight cascaded down on her--giving her ginger tabby and white pelt the illusion that it was shimmering while her eyes burned with anger. When Willowcloud arrived, her face seemed gaunt. 

"Can we talk tomorrow?" Willowcloud rasped, "You probably-"

"Save it," Starpaw snarled. She'd heard enough of Willowcloud's pathetic begging. She didn't care who stared as she stormed into the apprentice's den. With a grudging mutter, she quietly slipped past Lemonpaw, who hadn't gone and was already asleep. Starpaw collapsed in her nest, turning her back to everyone. She could hear Treepaw enter soon after. Closing her eyes, she ignored him.

"I'm sorry, Starpaw," She heard him whisper before going to sleep.

As the sun rose the next morning, the cold light reached the apprentices' den, causing Starpaw to wake. Starpaw yawned, getting up and stretching looking around her den she saw that none of the other apprentices were there. No one woke me? She thought and rushed out, nearly running into Fawntail. She hadn't forgot about confronting Willowcloud. 

"Sorry," she meowed, "I woke up late and I'm looking for Willowcloud. Have you seen her?" She asked.

"You aren't late," Fawntail purred yet her eyes had an unreadable expression that caused Starpaw to become skeptical, "Everyone who went to the gathering got extra sleep. Willowcloud is probably in the warriors den." 

"Ok thanks," Starpaw meowed and nodded her farewell before running off. Fawntail stared after her unblinkingly before shaking out her pelt and heading to the medicine den. 

Just as Fawntail had guessed, Willowcloud was sleeping in her nest. You won't be sleeping much longer, she thought. The longer she looked at her, her anger only grew. Picking her way through resting warriors, she shoved Willowcloud, waking her instantly. "We're talking. Now." She whispered through gritted teeth. Her mother only sighed and got up, leading her out of the warriors den and out of camp a few foxlengths away.

"She told me," Starpaw hissed at her mother, "She said Lemonpaw and I are from different fathers. How is this when we were born at the same time? Why did you let me believe I was Blackice's daughter? How-" Willowcloud silenced her with a raised paw.

"I made a mistake," she murmured, "I made a mistake being with your father," Willowcloud's cold amber gaze bore into her own. What she had just said horrified Starpaw. She doesn't love me, Starpaw thought. The apprentice opened her mouth to speak, but Willowcloud wasn't finished. 

"You're just like him, down to your personality. You rage at anyone who doesn't do what you want, your words are persuasive-getting Witheringlight and anyone else who listens to your lies to pity you!" Willowcloud hissed. She had a far away look in her eyes as she unsheathed her claws, "We've been good to you, and this is how you treat us? Disgracing me and my clan? We thought we could trust you to help us--and you want to lead Thunderclan?! We welcomed you into our home-" 

Starpaw stared at her mothers' gaunt, frail frame. Every word that flew from Willowcloud's mouth tore at her heart, but it was enough to anger her even more. Everything she's saying doesn't make any sense! She'd heard enough, "I don't want to hear anymore," she snarled, "You disgust me," and stormed back to camp. She's dead to me. Shaking her head wildly she forced herself to focus on something else. That something was Beetlepaw. 

I can't forget my meeting with Beetlepaw, she thought. The thought made her heart race with excitement. She shook her fur, Stop it, she scolded herself, just a meeting to settle our bitterness.

"Starpaw!" Starpaw looked up to see her sister-half sister- run towards her. "Dewfoot and Appledawn said they want to give us our assessment!" She squealed, "If we pass, we can become warriors!" Does she know too? Starpaw wondered. Over the past few moons, all three remaining apprentices have been working hard as their assessments came nearer and nearer. They all were prepared for this moment. "Oh, great," she meowed, her expression guarded. She learned to never trust Lemonpaw. She could be nice one minute and totally humiliate her the next.

"Well, let's go," Starpaw meowed, forcing optimism into her voice. Lemonpaw frowned.

"Everything ok? I know my sister and I can tell something isn't right," Lemonpaw had a look of concern.

"Oh, you know so well do you?" Starpaw sneered, her anger spiking again, "Then why do you do things to hurt me?" Not waiting for an answer, she turned and headed over to where Dewfoot and Appledawn were waiting. Lemonpaw hurried after her with a hurt look but said nothing more.

"Your assessments are based on your hunting skills. You each can only hunt in one area. Be back when the sun is at it's highest. Bring two pieces of prey each," Dewfoot paused looking at the two apprentices, "Appledawn and I will be watching you. You may start now. Good luck," the shecats exited camp. Dewfoot and Appledawn allowed the apprentices to get a head start before vanishing.

"You take the Windclan border, I'll take the Shadowclan border. Meet back here once you have two pieces of prey," Starpaw meowed. Lemonpaw nodded and darted off. Starpaw snorted with satisfaction and headed for the Shadowclan border.

She slowed as she neared their border. Parting her jaws, she was able to detect a squirrel and a mouse. By the scent of it, the squirrel is closer, Starpaw thought, dropping into a crouch. After looking around the territory she spotted her target. Dropping into a perfected hunting crouch the feline made her way towards the squirrel hiding behind a rock. Wiggling her hindquarters she pounced and successfully caught the creature killing it with a swift nip to the neck. Starpaw kicked some leaves over it to save it for later and tracked down that mouse she had scented earlier. As time went by she ended up catching that mouse. Uncovering her squirrel, she returned with her prey. Lemonpaw was already there with Dewfoot and Appledawn. "Well done," Dewfoot meowed, "Lets head back to camp. You two get some prey and rest."

The two apprentices dipped their heads and headed back to camp, their mentors following them. When they entered camp, they both set their prey down. Starpaw took a vole and Lemonpaw a shrew. Starpaw finished her vole in ravenous bites before heading to the apprentice den, leaving Lemonpaw behind. Lemonpaw soon joined her. Neither of them could sleep so they sat there in awkward silence.

"So," Lemonpaw meowed softly, "You said I hurt you," Starpaw said nothing but she nodded coldly. Lemonpaw inhaled slowly, "I'm sorry. I know what I did but I was to prideful to admit it. I know I should have treated you better, you're my sister for Starclan's sake," She looked Starpaw directly in the eyes. They were filled with guilt yet a twinge of hope were in them, "Will you forgive me?"

Starpaw waited a few moments, thinking it over. Shes making amends, but simply saying sorry won't heal my wounds instantly-at least it's a start.. "Thats all I needed to hear," Starpaw purred, "Yes I forgive you, and thank you for apologizing," Starpaw smiled. 

Lemonpaw purred, glad she could make things right with her.

A yowl sounded, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around highrock for a clan meeting!"


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