Chapter Six

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[Chapter Six]

Starpaw sat at the shore, hiccuping uncontrollably. That always happened when she got extremely angry or upset. She was no longer feeling as if her heart were shattering, but was rather depressed and numb inside. How can I be a great warrior if no one gives me a chance? She sighed softly. She was a great hunter and could fight decently. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts she didn't notice Witheringlight come up from behind.

"Starpaw?" She meowed softly, startling the apprentice. Starpaw turned, a defensive fire burning in her amber eyes. The fire quickly vanished when she realized it was Witheringlight-her only friend.

"It's just you," she murmured with relief, sitting down again but this time, looking at her, "Why does everyone hate me so much?" She muttered, "I never did anything to them," Her gaze darkened as hatred boiled inside of her again.

Witheringlight sighed, sitting down, "I suppose now is the time to tell you," She inhaled, "Back before you and I were born, there was a war- the Cold Vengence War. Windclan and Shadowclan had united while Thunderclan and Riverclan joined forces. Your mother and Blackice were part of that war. No one remembers the exact reason as to why the war was started. The reasons kept changing over time to where the real reason was lost," Witheringlight shook her head, "Anyway, the Vengence War got to measures where warriors were dying left and right because of the mistrust and hatred spread among the clans. Because of the loss of warriors, clans went to the twolegplace to look for rogues and loners that would be willing to fight-promising them greatness and honor amongst their clans," Witheringlight paused, taking a breath before continuing, "Willowcloud was on a patrol to find willing cats. Among them-was Jax," Witheringlight's voice got shaky, "Starpaw, Jax is your real father," Witheringlight stopped, allowing that to sink in to Starpaw's head.

"You're joking right?" Starpaw snorted. This sounded like a whole load of fox-dung to her, "If this Cold Vengence War happened, why have I never heard of it?" Starpaw was starting to get scared and her voice was starting to rise with dismay, "And why didn't anyone tell me?" So, that means I'm half clan blood? What about Lemonpaw? Starpaw took a breath and tried to steady her voice yet it trembled as she meowed, "G-Go on, I need to hear everything," As much as she was starting to regret her decision, she needed to hear everything.

Witheringlight sighed, "No one wishes to speak of such a time. That's why you've never heard of it," Starpaw opened her mouth to ask how she knew about this war, but Witheringlight beat her to it, "I only know because overheard Frostface talking to Mossfur about it. She was also there, and she's the only one who still talks about it-because of her everyone knows your real father," Witheringlight's tail flicked, "I heard Jax started out as a good cat, but greed overtook him," She meowed softly, "He didn't want to just help the clans, he wanted to rule the clans. Being a pursuasive talker, he got other rogues and loners to join forces with him. He even got a few clan cats too, Midnightsong is one of them," Starpaw's ear twitched, "What do Blackice and Willowcloud have to with this?"

Witheringlight sighed, "You're the daughter of Jax. You're his spitting image. Every time the clan looks at you, especially the survivors-there are quite a few in our clan- they see Jax,"

Starpaw was completely confused, but she got the main point. "Alright, what about Lemonpaw?"

"Lemonpaw is Blackice and Willowcloud's daughter. Blackice just agreed to take you in as his own."

"But, how is this possible if we were born at the same time?" Starpaw asked, her confusion only growing.

"That is something you have to ask Willowcloud," Witheringlight murmured.

"Thunderclan, time to leave!" Winterstar called, gathering his clanmates together. With a nod, the two shecats headed over to the group. Witheringlight and Starpaw had missed the whole gathering-Starpaw's first gathering- but she knew this was more important. 

"Starpaw!" Willowcloud rushed over, licking her ears, "Are you ok?!" she asked, suddenly concerned for her daughter.  

Starpaw pulled away, her eyes gleaming with betrayal, confusion and pain.

"Why didn't you tell me I was half-clan?"

A/n: The chapters a bit short, but, how was the plot? I know it's confusing as how Lemonpaw and Starpaw were born at the same time, but, it will be explained in the next chapter!

May you find shelter where you sleep, swift hunting, and guidance from the stars,

Starpool's Secret- Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora