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As we progress farther into the story, I wanted to take the time to shoutout to these amazing people who have supported and commented on my story like crazy: 

razzledazzle83 - I have known you for a long time and you never cease to be funny! I appreciate your plot input in one of the previous chapters! I also appreciate the fact that when you comment, it's always positive xD. People like you inspire me to write and write to the best of my ability and giving everything I have into this. Also love the quotes you find or come up with! Again, thank you :) 

Swiftflight - Thank you as well, my friend xD Your comments bring a smile to my face or make me laugh. Your comments are also what inspire me to write this book with passion and helps me know that people do read what I write and like it :) I also love roleplaying with you and your books are awesome as well, I love them XD. Thanks again :D

Starpool's Secret- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now