Chapter Three

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[Chapter Three]

"And until they earn their warrior name, they will be known as Starpaw and Lemonpaw," Winterstar meowed, "Appledawn, come forward," The leader looked at her as she stepped forward, "You've trained an apprentice in the past," He paused, "And I believe you are ready for another. You will mentor Lemonpaw. Teach her what it means to be a warrior," Lemonpaw went to her new mentor and touched noses. Lemonpaw's true emotions were exposed as her tail lashed excitedly. 

He waited a few moments before continuing, "Dewfoot, come forward. You will mentor Starpaw. Pass on your knowledge and skills," Starpaw started her way towards Dewfoot. Dewfoot's expression was blank amd unwelcoming. Why this cat, of all of them? Starpaw wondered. Starpaw still had a grudge against Dewfoot, she was the one who looked at me with disdain when I was a kit- As she touched noses, Dewfoot's eyes flashed yet it was too fast for her to read it. -I don't think she sees me much different anyway she guessed as the cats cheered their names. Most cheered for Lemonpaw and that made sense since she was fairly popular in the clan already.

"Hey, congratulations on becoming an apprentice," A voice broke her thoughts and she turned to see Treepaw. He and his sister, now Skypaw, had been made apprentices a moon earlier, "We'll have a chance to train together," he purred. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say more but his mentor, Thunderheart, had called him for training. "I'll see you later," he smiled, giving her a friendly nudge before padding away and leaving her with fuzzy feelings inside.

I'd better go congratulate Lemonpaw. Maybe things will be different now, since we're older. Ever since they were kits, Lemonpaw always had to have all the attention and shove her to a corner while everyone showered her with praise. Or, it could get worse. She added to her thoughts before inhaling a deep breath and pushing through the crowd that had gathered around her.

"Hey Lemonpaw," She began. The crowd around her had oddly gotten eerie and unwelcoming. It was as if they hated her being in their presence. Taking a gulp, she continued, "I wanted to congratulate you on becoming an apprentice," she forced a purr yet the situation was just getting more and more awkward. Lemonpaw looked at Starpaw, her amber eyes glinting.

"Thanks but uh, could you leave now? I'm busy talking with others and you sort of interrupted," Lemonpaw's tail flicked as she waited quietly. 

Starpaw could feel her eartips burning with embarrassment as she muttered, "Oh, yea, sorry-" She backed up and sat a ways away from the group near the apprentice den. As soon as she left, the group went back to being lively. Starpaw scanned the crowd and what she saw broke her heart. Her mother and father were there. They had witnessed it but said nothing in her defense. She waited there quietly before Appledawn, Dewfoot and Lemonpaw arrived.

"Come on, it's time for a tour of the territory," Dewfoot meowed, her voice full of uninterest and boredom. Appledawn and Lemonpaw had already gone ahead, talking and laughing.

The two walked together, saying nothing as time went by. "You'll find your way around," Dewfoot meowed eventually as they had made their roundabouts and camp was in sight. When Starpaw entered camp, she grudgingly went over to the prey pile and took a vole, lifting her gaze to find a place to sit. A few met her gaze before quickly shifting it.

Letting out a small, bitter snort, she decided she wasn't so hungry anymore and put her vole down, going to her den to try and sleep instead. The other apprentices were already there. Lemonpaw and Skypaw had put their nests next to Treepaw so he was in the middle of them as they all spoke. When she arrived, the two shecats flicked their tails in a dismissive manner as Treepaw said nothing before carrying on their conversation. Treepaw's silence felt worse than rejection. I thought we were friends? She blinked as hurt darkened her gaze, seeing an empty nest next to Witheringpaw.

"Do you mind if I sleep here?" On the other side of the den. She added dejectedly.

"Hm? Oh, not at all," Witheringpaw smiled. In two moons, she would recieve her warrior name. Starpaw nodded her thanks before collapsing into the nest with her back turned to the rest and allowing sleep to take over her.

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