Chapter Sixteen

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[Chapter Sixteen]

Starpool had entered camp, trying look as casual as possible. What had startled her was the fact that Fawntail was there, looking straight at her. She looked at the medicine cat then parted her jaws, having smelled many newer scents-including Winterstar along with Aspenleaf, Ashwing, Willowcloud and Midnightsong to name a few, but their group was signifigantly smaller with Dewfoot and Appledawn gone, and Thunderheart injured. Fawntail had to stay behind to tend to Thunderheart, whose wounds and infection were slowly healing. Even still, Starpool couldn't remember why they left. 

Fawntail must've seen confusion on her face and meowed calmly, trying to keep her frustration under control, "There was a gathering tonight. Winterstar was going to take you and your sister, but neither of you were here. Where were you both?" She asked suspiciously as her eyes narrowed. 

The moon had begun to shine brightly, illuminating both shecats as Starpool furthered into camp, but Starpool soon realized that it wasn't just Fawntail she was looking at. Behind the Thunderclan medicine cat was a shecat . She had a thick glossy coat with a plumy tail. Her pelt was an exquisite light brown that looked soft and was decorated with darker brown flecks. Her eyes were an illuminating amber that seemed to shimmer with sadness. She shook her head once and then was gone. 

"Hello? Starpool? I said, where were you?" Fawntail asked, this time irritation entering her voice as she brought Starpool's focus back on her. Something told Starpool to not reveal Lemonflower's secret. My secret now to, she thought. 

"Oh...I was uh-out patrolling," She meowed awkwardly as she came up with an excuse for being out so late. Thank you...the same voice she had heard earlier told her. 

"By yourself?" Fawntail further inquired, seeming to tip her head to a side. Fawntail clearly didn't believe her still. 

"Uh, no, Lemonflower came with me," She hastily explained, "It started out as just going for a walk, but we decided to just patrol the borders instead," Her tail flicked. Seems believable, right? she asked herself.  

"Then why did she come through the dirtplace tunnel and not with you at the same time?" Fawntail  interrogated, her eyes narrowing even more. 


"On our way back, I thought I'd heard something and told her to go on ahead as I went to investigate," Fawntail seemed more interested and the suspicious look worn on her visage had softened. 

"What was there?" She asked, keeping her questions short and straight to the point. Her stubby tail flicked occasionally. 

"I checked and nothing seemed to be there, I even checked for scents. It was probably the wind or something," Starpool continued to expand her lie and even added a casual shrug. 

"Oh," Fawntail meowed yet their was still a hint of suspicion, "Well, Winterstar announced earlier that he wants no apprentices going out alone and warriors to have at least two others with them because of what happened know..." She paused before meowing quickly, "Witheringlight...and he doesn't want to risk any more lives," She shook out her fur, "Well, goodnight," She got up and hurried to her den as she seemed eager to get out of that awkward position while leaving Starpool to wander back to her memories of her murdered friend. 

It had been a few days since the passing of her friend and the subject was still raw. She sighed softly, heading to the warriors den. Mildly surprised, Lemonflower was sitting in her nest, her eyes glinting. 

"I'm sorry Starpool, I didn't know-" she meowed keeping her voice low, flinching when Starpool thrust her face in hers. 

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have been messing him in the first place!" She hissed quietly, "Don't you see he's using you? He tried to use me!" 

Lemonflower bristled, "At first I felt sorry for you, and now I see that you're just jealous! I was his first pick, you were his second pick!" 

Starpool curled her lip in a sneer, "Jealous? Of what? Being used? No, I'm not jealous of that," She spat, trying to keep her voice low and turned, stalking to the part of the den that only now contained her and one other empty nest. Witheringlight's nest. She could feel Lemonflower's stare burning into her back but she confidently picked her way through the warriors and collapsed in her nest all while keeping her back turned to her sister-the one she thought she could start a new, better kinship with. 

Just you wait, he'll only lift you up to drop you Lemonflower, she thought bitterly as she drifted into sleep. 

Starpool awoke with soft, lush, bright green grass under her paws. The sky was bright blue and sunlight came from a non-visible sun and the air was warm. The longer she looked around, the more she noticed the leaves on the forest were green while some were already orange as others were seeming to begin their change of color. Where am I? She thought. The trees back home were bare. 

"You're in Starclan, young warrior," A voice answered her silent question. The same voice that had told her that prophecy!

The ginger tabby and white warrior spun around, seeing the same pretty brown shecat with the darker brown flecks and warm amber eyes. 

"It's you! You've been telling me all these things that don't make sense!" She exclaimed, her eyes narrowing, "Who are you? Why are you talking to me, not Fawntail or Winterstar?" 

The graceful Starclan cat sat down, swishing her feathery tail over her paws majectically, "I am Dawnmist, Willowcloud's mother and your kin," Her voice was as smooth as her pelt, seeming to have a tranquility to it. 

Starpool stared at her, now having an explanation as to why she looked so similar to her mother. 

"I died just before you and your sister were born," she meowed solemnly. 

Suddenly a spark of irritation grew in Starpool, "I don't think you're here to tell me how we're related and how you died. Why do you need to talk to me?" She snapped, her ears flattening at the mentioning of her idiotic half sister. 

Dawnmist rolled her eyes, "Be quiet you impatient young'un, I was getting to that," She snapped back, shaking out her pelt as if shaking off her impurities, "Anyway, I wanted you to tell Fawntail this message," She took a deep breath,  "One has begun, two will be certain doom, three will have allowed destruction to succeed, four can become utter defeat," Dawnmist stared off into the distance as she had spoke now she seemed to have been brought back to what was her reality. 

"So...what was that other prophecy about? The one about not letting my future fold?" Starpool asked. Another prophecy? This doesn't make any sense. 

Dawnmist shook her head slowly, "Part one of certain fate is just beginning...You will understand in the right time..." The starry warrior had begun to fade. 

I'm waking up, the Thunderclan warrior realized, but she had so many questions! She needed more time to ask them and recieve answers! Ugh, how vague can you get?! She thought agitatedly. 

"I still don't understand!" Starpool yowled in frustration, "What does this all mean?!" 

You will understand, young warrior...think of the four...

Before she had any more time to generate a response, she snapped back into reality, the sun shining brightly on her face as she soon realized she was being shaken. 

"I heard you yowling and thought you were hurt. Are you ok?" 




Ok, I know this chapter either made you go: "What?" or "Seriously Crystal? More than one prophecy? That's a bit marysue..." Or something along those lines XD: Well, it sounds a bit marysueish right now, BUT, I've decided to make this the first book in the series. Each book in the series will be about a different clan and their perspectives but I will try to make them all connected somehow (that somehow will be revealed in the next chapter). That's all I will say about this for now. Hope you like it ^^! 


This chapter is dedicated to razz because shes awesome like that >:D

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