Chapter Five

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[Chapter Five]

The Thunderclan cats were on Windclan territory a few tail lengths from the lake as they traveled. This was a rule set as soon as the clans had found this territory long ago. As they never ceased on their trek to the gathering Winterstar stopped. One by one, they had to cross the log. The cats who had been chosen were Starpaw, Skyrunner, Witheringlight, Willowcloud, Thunderheart, Dewfoot, Treepaw, Fawntail and Midnightsong. Midnightsong had been chosen to taken Aspenleaf's place. Fawntail left Appledawn in charge of watching her, showing her and telling her what she needed to do if the deputy were to wake up.

I wonder whose at the gathering tonight. Starpaw wondered as she quickly crossed the log, her claws gripping the bark as she threatened to slip and fall. At one point, the log shook underneath her and she paused trying to regain her balance.

"Need help?" Treepaw asked softly, almost hesitantly.

 Of course, he's right behind me, Starpaw thought agitatedly. "No, I can do it myself," She hissed as the log teetered again. Not wanting to stay on a moment longer, she made a clumsy leap onto the other side, pebbles skidding underneath her. Treepaw's soft laughter only angered her more as she stormed into the gathering. Winterstar had already went in with Skysong, Witheringlight, Willowcloud, and Thunderheart. She had just been holding up the line. Blinded with anger, she wasn't paying attention to where she was going and bumped into a furry body.

"Oh, sorry I-" Starpaw mumbled the beginnings of an apology and looked up to see a piercing set of blue eyes.

"Why hello pretty kitty," he chuckled, "Back so soon?" Great Starclan, could this get any worse?, she rolled her eyes. Of course, I had to run into the tom I fought earlier today.

"Well, this is a gathering after all. I wasn't looking for you, I just happened to run into you, a pitiful bag of fur," She retorted with a hiss, beginning to say more but was interrupted.

"Starpaw! This is a gathering, you know we don't quarrel tonight. All grudges must be put aside," Thunderheart scolded. He had overheard them as he passed by. Great. Embarrassed in front of my enemy. Starpaw thought bitterly and muttered a quick apology. Satisfied with her apology Thunderheart padded away to join a small group of Riverclan cats.

After Thunderheart had left, the Shadowclan apprentice burst into laughter, "Starpaw? That's your name then?" Regaining his breath, he chuckled, "What a terrible choice for a name. I hope you don't become a leader," he snickered, sitting down.

How dare he?! Starpaw thought furiously, "How dare you," she growled, "My urge to claw you to pieces is getting stronger," she hissed under her breath and walked away, not putting up with him anymore.

"Hey!" The apprentice called after her. She ignored him, needing to cool off. She sat at the edge of the clearing near the exit. Just like Treepaw, he followed her and stood in front of her, looming over Starpaw. "I'm sorry," He meowed, his blue eyes holding guilt, "I didn't mean for it to go that far," Starpaw narrowed her eyes, not believing a single word he said. "I mean it," He apologetically licked her ear. The gesture took her by surprise but it sent tingles through her. "You can laugh at my name too if you want," he purred nervously, "I'm Beetlepaw."

Starpaw snorted, "Ah yes, the bug that gets squashed. Hey, the name suits you well. You are just as low as a beetle, maybe lower. Your parents chose a great name for you," with each word, her voice got even more bitter. Not letting her guard down so easily, she got up, starting to walk away again.

"Wait," he stopped her before she could leave, "Meet me at the border tomorrow night? Maybe I could make it up to you at some point then," Starpaw paused, considering his offer. After a few moments that felt like seasons to Beetlepaw, she meowed quietly, "I'll consider it,"

"Thank you," he purred, "You won't-"

"Let the gathering begin!" A yowl interrupted Beetlepaw. Fogstar had called for the meeting to begin. Cats all soon gathered, sitting together. The nights had gotten chilly as leaf-fall was coming to a close. Starpaw chose to sit next to her friend Witheringlight. Her friend nodded a greeting before turning her attention back to the leaders as did Starpaw. 

"Which leader is which?" Starpaw whispered to Witheringlight. She had attended a few gatherings already while this was Starpaw's first. 

"The small grey shecat with a darker grey stripe down her back is Fogstar of Shadowclan," Witheringlight whispered back, "The black tom is Darkstar of Riverclan and the grey tom is Boulderstar of Windclan." 

Fogstar raised her tail for silence and slowly the murmuring came to a stop. She looked a bit thin. All of the Shadowclan cats look a bit thin, Starpaw realized. A few were healthy but others, not so much.

"Greetings everyone," she meowed before turning to the other leaders, "Who would like to start?"

"I would," A deep voice answered almost instantly. It was Darkstar of Riverclan. The leader rose to his paws, "Prey has been running well even though leaf-fall is ending," He began, "Our medicine cat apprentice has been made a full medicine cat and recieved her full name, Tigerstep!" He announced, pausing as the clans errupted in cheers for the new medicine cat who was scuffling her paw in the dirt with embarrassment. "And," He continued, "Our queen Greenheart birthed three lovely kits-two toms and a shecat by the names of Loudkit, Krestelkit and Honeykit," the crowd cheered again. Darkstar meowed when the crowd died down,"That is all," and sat on the branch again. Is he implying something? Starpaw wondered. He had a proud gleam in his eyes that was hinted with a look of a challenge. Odd. She thought.

"That's good to hear," Boulderstar purred, genuinely happy that their clan is growing. They'll turn into warriors and we'll have to eventually fight them, Starpaw thought darkly, "Windclan has good news as well," he meowed as he rose to his paws, seeing none of the other leaders were speaking, "One queen, Snowfall, also had two lovely kits- a tom and a shecat- Frostkit and Streamkit," He paused as the clan cheered to celebrate the kits' birth, "Our medicine cat apprentice earned her name, Rabbitflight," The crowd cheered the medicine cat's name. Unlike Tigerstep, she lifted her head proudly. Once the cheering stopped, he sat down again and told the clans, "Prey is running well, despite the slightly colder conditions," he shot Darkstar a competitive glance before finishing, "That is all."

Winterstar rose to his paws, "Prey has been running well," he began, "Thunderclan also has good news. We have two newer apprentices, Lemonpaw," he paused in almost a nervous manner yet let the crowd cheer for Lemonpaw, who was looking as proud as ever, before continuing, "And Starpaw," he paused again, waiting for the clans to cheer. Instead, the clans began to murmur among each other with surprise while others yowled in outrage. This isn't what I expected at all, Starpaw thought, lowering her gaze. Witheringlight pressed against Starpaw, trying to comfort her. The complaints didn't stop.

"Using the word star is an insult to Starclan!"

"Only leaders should have 'star' in any part of their names!"

"What were their parents thinking?!"

"Hope they don't have dreams of becoming a leader!"

This was too much for Starpaw to bear. Ever since she was a kit and heard about what goes on for new apprentices and warriors at gatherings, she dreamed of being congratulated by others. 

Instead, they mocked her, scorned her.

A growl of hate threatened to be released as she rose to her paws and pushed past everyone, leaving the gathering while cat continued to mutter their disapproval.

"....the gathering will continue," She heard Fogstar say before she arrived on the shore of the island.

A/N: What'd you guys think? Tell me in the comments!

May you find shelter where you sleep, swift hunting and guidance from the stars,

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