Chapter Four

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[Chapter Four]

"Hey, wake up," A cat shoved Starpaw, "If you don't wake up, Dewfoot isn't going to be much happier," Starpaw opened her eyes to find an annoyed looking Skypaw.

"Alright, alright," she muttered and got up, shaking out bits of moss before joining the rest of the group. "What are we doing today?" Starpaw asked, dipping her head to Dewfoot and Aspenleaf, Skypaw's mentor.

"Right now we're going on a border patrol on Shadowclan's side. Later is battle training," Dewfoot answered with a flick of her tail.

"If we're done standing here chattering like a bunch of starlings, let's head out," Aspenleaf snorted before taking the lead and exiting camp. Starpaw inhaled slowly. She loved Thunderclan despite the way she was treated. This is her home and she would do anything to protect it.

"Hey," Skypaw muttered to Starpaw, bringing her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, hey," Starpaw meowed awkwardly. She was surprised that Skypaw was talking to her at all.

"Do you like my brother?" Skypaw blurted, "I-"

"Hey! You two, keep it down before I claw both of your muzzles," Dewfoot growled, "We're nearing the border. Be alert, Shadowclan has always been one to be suspicious of and they-" Her lecturing turned into a shriek of surprise as a hefty ginger tabby tom tackled her to the ground. Great Starclan! They're way over the border! Starpaw thought, her pelt bristling with alarm, but what could she do? She didn't know how to fight. Aspenleaf was already in a tussle with a white shecat.

"What are we waiting for?! Lets get them!" Skypaw yowled, darting into the frenzy of cats. Two more had appeared. One was a dark brown tom and there was another tom who was a grey and brown brindle that was the size of an apprentice. Skypaw had gone for the grown cat, leaving her to fight the apprentice.

With a ferocious snarl, Starpaw ran at full speed before taking a leap, her claws connecting with her opponents' back as she had come from behind. It was all she knew how to do, using her instincts instead of training. "Get off our territory you rotten piece of crowfood!" Starpaw snarled and leaped off, thinking that her attack would send him running. 

She thought wrong.

While she had her back turned, the Shadowclan apprentice had tackled her, sinking his claws into her back. "I'm a rotten piece of crowfood?" The apprentice chuckled. He had brought her to the ground for his weight was too much for her to handle. He then brought his muzzle close to her ear and told her, "Good thing you're a pretty kitty or you would've been dead by now," His hot breath on her ear made her shiver. Letting her go, he vanished through the undergrowth and back onto her own territory leaving her to get up and stand with a confused expression. She hadn't noticed but the mini battle was over as the Thunderclan cats sent their enemies back to the other side of the border.

"This isn't over!" The ginger tom hissed before pursuing the rest of his patrol.

"Starpaw!" Dewfoot rushed over, having a genuinely worried expression which startled her. Dewfoot has been nothing but rude to her. Why the sudden change of heart? She wondered. "Are you ok?" The warrior inquired, looking at her wound with a grimace.

"I'm fine," she meowed cooly. In reality, her back was burning and her lungs ached from being crushed under the apprentice for what seemed like seasons.

"Winterstar was told what happened. I'm sure it will be mentioned at the gathering tonight," Dewfoot continued while Starpaw just nodded, noticing Skypaw was gone and so was Aspenleaf. She probably ran to camp and got more warriors to help, Starpaw assumed. 

"How are the others?" Starpaw asked, not seeing them in the small clearing where they had fought.

"Skypaw's fine but Aspenleaf- Not so good," Dewfoot sighed, "Aspenleaf would have died if it weren't for Skypaw. The Shadowclan cats weren't showing any mercy and the ginger tom had her by the throat, suffocating her. Skypaw was there and tore one of his ears up real nicely," Dewfoot chuckled, "He won't forget her in a hurry," Her ear flicked, "Now lets get back to camp," Dewfoot allowed Starpaw to lean on her as they made their way back. Starpaw's back had puncture wounds where his claws were not to mention patches of fur that were torn off so her back was bleeding at a steady rate. By the time they both had gotten back, everyone was gathered around Highrock.

"We have two apprentices worthy of becoming warriors today. One fought bravely today and the other passed their warrior assessment. Skypaw and Witheringpaw, step forward," The two apprentices stepped forward. Their eyes were glowing with pride. Foxsong and Ashwing looked at their daughters with pride.

"I, Winterstar leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They both have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Witheringpaw and Skypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Winterstar paused, resting his gaze on the two-awaiting his response.

Skypaw swallowed before meowing along with Witheringpaw, who spoke clearly, "I do."

Winterstar smiled proudly, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Witheringpaw, from this moment you will be known as Witheringlight. StarClan honors your loyalty and kindness," Winterstar turned to Skypaw who met his gaze, "Skypaw, from this moment you will be known as Skyrunner, Starclan honors your bravery and agility," Winterstar returned his gaze to both newly-made warriors, "We welcome you both as a full warrior of Thunderclan."

The clan errupted in a volley of cheers for Skyrunner and Witheringlight.


Starpaw was among them. She refused to miss their warrior ceremonies. Fawntail had waited next to her as Dewfoot left to join the crowd, "Send them my congratulations, would you?" She called. Dewfoot flicked her tail to show she had heard.

"Now off to the medicine den," Fawntail ordered. Starpaw had stopped bleeding and now just needed treatment. With a grunt, Starpaw headed to the medicine den, sitting in a nest next to Aspenleaf who was sleeping at this time.

"You don't seem to have an infection," Fawntail murmured, heading into her herb supply and came back with marigold and cobwebs. "The wound just appears nasty but theres nothing too serious," she grunted before chewing the marigold up and spitting it onto her wounds securing it with cobweb. "Off you go now, Winterstar is choosing members for the gathering and who will subsitute for Aspenleaf," the medicine cat purred, "I think you're going," she predicted with a twitch of her ear. 

Treepaw had entered the den at this point.

"Hey," he meowed a bit awkwardly, "Are you alright?" He backed up and headed out as Starpaw passed, ignoring him. Don't think I forgot the way you completely hurt me back in the apprentice den. She thought bitterly.

"Starpaw!" A cat called, causing her to turn her head. It was Lemonpaw. "You're going to the gathering," she meowed flatly before turning to go to Skyrunner. Even that news didn't brighten her mood. Collapsing in her nest, she began to crossly groom her fur.

"Hey," Treepaw said again. He had followed her, trying to talk to her.

"What," she snapped, causing him to flinch.

"I just wanted to see how you're doing," he mumbled, getting closer.

"Well, I'm fine thanks," she mumbled with annoyance. His gaze softened and he pressed his muzzle to her ear only for her to pull away.

"What did I do?" He asked, hurt in his amber gaze. Starpaw opened her mouth for a rude retort but didn't have the chance.

"Starpaw, Treepaw! It's time for the gathering!" Winterstar called. Sucking in a breath, she pushed past Treepaw while also pushing down her negative feelings. It was her first gathering and she wouldn't let Treepaw, or anyone else, ruin it.

Time to meet other cats!

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