Chapter Ten

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[Chapter Ten]

Starpool had returned to her nest the night before. Now the sun had pushed it's way forward, beginning it's daily rise and fall. Warriors began to stir in their warm nests, murmuring quietly in greeting to one another as they gathered in the clearing around Aspenleaf. The deputy had recovered by now, but prey had been getting shorter and shorter as leaf-fall was coming to a close and it was time for leafbare to rule for a few moons.

Starpool woke with a massive yawn. Because of her meeting, she had hardly gotten much sleep. Thoughts had been coming and going as soon as she came home making it impossible to rest in the remainder of the night. I want us to get closer. Beetlewing's words echoed in her mind, causing her to shiver.

"Hey," a voice purred breaking her thoughts, "How was your first night in the warriors den?" Starpool looked to see Witheringlight, a smile on her face. Cheerful. As always.

"It was great," Starpool lied, forcing a purr of optimism. Witheringlight's purr grew. Her friend began to say more when Aspenleaf interrupted her.

"Witheringlight! Could you go on a hunting patrol with Thunderheart, Dewfoot and Appledawn? Try by Windclan, no one has been there for a few days,"

The warrior turned her head and nodded, replying to her deputy, "Sure!" Turning back to Starpool, she meowed, "I'll see you later," She smiled and left to join her patrol.

Starpool nodded to her, even though she didn't see it before joining the warriors around Aspenleaf. Other warriors had left to talk, eat prey or go visit the nursery.

The deputy's eyes scanned over the crowd before resting on Starpool. She had a bright expression on her visage, but it didn't reach her eyes. Instead, they were flashed with worry. Is something wrong? She thought. The emotion had been too quick to read, but she was sure that's what she picked up.

"Starpool," She meowed, "Could you take a border patrol over to Windclan? Take-" she paused, looking around camp, "Willowcloud, Blackice and Treeripple," she decided with a flick of her tail.

Starpool's heart dropped to her stomach. All three of them? She thought with panic, but replied, "Yes Aspenleaf," and turned to find them. Across the clearing, she spotted Willowcloud and Blackice sharing tounges.

Taking a deep breath, she meowed flatly, "Aspenleaf asked me to take you both on a border patrol to Windclan with me," This was the first time she had spoken to them in moons. The last time they had spoke was when she was a kit, and then an apprentice. The couple simply nodded, padding over to the exit. Now, to find Treeripple, she thought with a flick of her ear. Giggling was heard from inside the warriors den. She followed the sound only to see Lemonflower and Treeripple cuddling, whispering to each other. The scene disgusted her and she awkwardly cleared her throat, causing them to look at her.

"Hello Starpool," Lemonflower purred, leaning against Treeripple.

"Hello," she greeted her sister. It was a brief but friendly, "Sorry to interupt, but Aspenleaf told me to inform Treeripple that he's needed on a border patrol," she meowed, suddenly adressing the tom, "Come on," She turned and exited the den, a grumbling Treeripple behind her.

"But I had my vigil yesterday," he muttered, "I should be resting,"

Starpool rolled her eyes. And by resting, do you mean mooning over my sister? She said nothing yet joined Willowcloud and Blackice at the exit, taking the lead.

Treeripple did have a point, she thought. Aspenleaf had sent out many patrols, mainly border patrols-especially by Windclan. She did have a look of worry, Starpool recalled silently. What was going on?

The trip to the border had been silent. Starpool's amber eyes widened with horror at what she saw. She saw a limp grey tabby form drenched in blood. She instantly knew who was laying there.


Thunderheart, Dewfoot and Appledawn were no where to be seen.
A/N: Hello again! Sorry it.took so long for an update, but it's here! Who do you think did it?!


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