Chapter Fifteen

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[Chapter Fifteen]

Fawntail looked up at the sky, pacing. Where is she? It was no longer dusk as it had transitioned into night. Most of the warriors had fallen asleep. She heard pawsteps near the camp entrance, turning with hopefulness, she saw it was Lemonflower coming out of the dirtplace tunnel. Her green eyes dulled and turned around going back to pacing. Her brown and white flecked fur gleamed in the now-shining moonlight as her vibrant leaf green eyes sparkled. I have to speak with's important. Fawntail knew she needed to find someone to take her place when she passed and she knew just the cat. 

I hope she's ok, she thought, debating if she should go out and look for her. She suddenly paused, watching as a single orange leaf blew by. 

The truth has been exposed...onto one she shall hold....their heart was good but now it's gone black, time is nearing for them to strike back.

A faint voice whispered in her ears. A prophecy...But..whose striking back? Whose heart has turned black? she thought in confusion. She looked around camp, awaiting Starpool's return when she saw a flash of silver. 

Suddenly standing before her was a kit. Stardust swirled around it's paws and stars seemed to glow in it's pelt. It had Fawntail's same brown pelt but had white paws and ears with shimmering blue eyes. Her eyes widened and her heart twisted. 


"My baby," She whispered, momentarily forgetting he was a spirit, and not able to be touched in the real world. She bent her head, going to nuzzle her kit but instead brushed the air. Pain glittered in her eyes, "You're the reason I became a medicine cat," She meowed quietly, as if reminding herself. She was temporarily taken back to the time she was a warrior and given birth to her son. Once he was a moon old, he had decided to wander out of camp. It was around the beginnings of the Cold Vengence War then and things were hectic. No one had been paying attention to him or his disappearance. By the time they had found him, it was too late. He was one of the first victims of the war. She knew, going into this war, she would have to take the lives of others and that seemed horrific to her. She knew from that point on she wanted to heal.

"You need to choose and choose wisely," Birchkit squeaked-breaking Fawntail from her tainted memories. His blue-eyed gaze seemed to hold more wisdom than the oldest elder, "There are two to choose from, you know who they are. Be careful as to why you make your decision. Your clans' future could depend on it. If you're unsure, do something that they would have to do and take it as a sign of confirmation. Trust your instincts," He meowed. His blue eyes glittered with pain briefly, "I'll be waiting for you mama," he meowed, sounding more like the age he was, "I love you," he meowed as he began to fade, leaving a pale glittering outline until he faded away completely. 

"I love you too, Birchkit," she whispered back. It seemed he was warning her of her choice. With a sigh, she decided to reconsider. Her son was right, she did have two choices. 

Again there was a rustle near the camp entrance and she turned her head to see Starpool. She rested her gaze on the ruffled-looking warrior. 

Am I making the right decision? 


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, but I thought it would be fun to share another cats' point of view and perspective. What do you guys think? 


Starpool's Secret- Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora