Chapter Eleven

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A/N: (Play song during chapter. It will give it a much more dramatic effect)


[Chapter Eleven]

"Witheringlight!" Starpool screeched, breaking away from the rest of the patrol, who stood there in shock, "No no no, this can't be happening!" Starpool cried out nudging her lifeless friend, "Witheringlight, wake up! We'll get you back to camp so your wounds can be fixed!" Starpool meowed frantically, her voice cracking. Witheringlight's body was cold.

"Starpool," Blackice murmured, "She's gone," The cat she once knew as her father gazed at Witheringlight, pain gleaming in his eyes. "M-My sister is gone," he choked out and joined Starpool. Treeripple and Willowcloud followed, each of them pressing their nose into her fur. Silent sobs came from the patrol.

"Let's get her back to camp," Willowcloud meowed quietly after a while. The rest of the patrol said nothing as Blackice and Starpool lifted Witheringlight's limp form and began their pained trek back to camp. When they entered camp, it was bustling with energy. No one had noticed yet until Ashwing let out a shriek. She had been sitting with her mate, Winterstar on highrock, observing the clan.

"My precious daughter!" She wailed, pressing her face into Witheringlight's cold, still form.

Starclan-why? Why would you take her from us? From me? Starpool thought as emotions swallowed her up, forcing her down a cold abyss of grief and misery.

Winterstar joined his mate at the head of his now dead daughters' body. He was too stunned to speak.

"She shouldn't have had to die!" Ashwing shrieked, "My daughter, oh my precious daughter!" She yowled to the sky, her form shaking as grief suffocated her. Winterstar only pressed his form against Ashwing in attempts to comfort her.

As if Starclan were mourning with her, the clear blue sky became covered with dark, heavy, upset looking clouds that began to shed their tears. The clouds began casting rain on to the fallen warriors' body along with the grieving cats of Thunderclan. Ignoring the rain, warriors that were close friends-along with family-crowded Witheringlights' mangled body.

"You were my only true friend," Starpool whispered to her lifeless friend, "Thank you for being my support," She closed her eyes as the rain beat down on her body. She swore she heard Witheringlight's voice.

You're welcome, dear friend.

No one was paying attention to the form outside their camp, who was chuckling maliciously.

If they think this is bad, they have no idea what's coming. The figure thought and laughed softly before vanishing.


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