Chapter Nineteen

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[Chapter Nineteen] 

"Alright, Flare," He meowed, using her new name with some sort of pride--maybe because he was the one who had thought up that name, "I'm Bark," He meowed, his tail swaying slightly. 

She blinked, "Pleased to meet you," she dipped her head in a polite gesture of greeting. Bark didn't return the gesture. Raising her head awkwardly, she asked, "Where is the camp located?" She asked, her tail brushing over the dirt. 

"Oh right! I'll show you," He meowed, heading around her and deeper into the strange twolegplace. She said nothing, following the rather handsome tom. 

"So..what do you cats do with the ones who wander your territory?" She asked curiously, referring to the way he had addressed her earlier, saying how this cat-King-didn't like any trespassers. 

Bark didn't answer for a while, as he seemed to be finding the right words to say. It was hard to tell, considering she only had a rear view of him. "We simply give them a warning," he said eventually, "I really shouldn't be answering these questions, as it isn't really my place. You can receive all your answers when you see King, your new leader," he meowed. 

Flare simply nodded, listening to his words and said nothing more. They soon came upon a dark, gray, old, rotting twoleg den. She felt her hackles rise. This was going to be her new home? She blinked but said nothing in complaint about it. Thunderclan didn't want her, and this was the only place she had left. She inhaled, catching multiple scents from rotting twoleg carrion to cat scents. She followed Bark into the supposed camp. 

"Welcome, Flare," A massive brown tom with scars covering his body meowed as his intriguing yellow eyes with amber flecks seemed to gleam in the dappled light. 

"I am King" 

Flare took in the appearance of the one called King. He held an air of authority. His broad head was lifted confidently and his standing position was in a dominant stance, his sleek tail lifted slightly. She, having grown up in such tradition, dipped her head in respect. 

"Greetings," She meowed--her voice rang out powerfully. 

King gave her a nod of acknowledgement, "This is where you will stay, amongst the other rogues," He gestured with his tail to the twoleg den that had old materials that seemed to have been made into dens, "The only ranks here are leader and deputy," he meowed, "I see you've met Bark--the current deputy of our little group," He meowed, nodding to Bark who had cast his gaze to the ground out of respect. Returning his piercing gaze to Flare, he meowed, "You may sleep anywhere you'd like-" he paused and looked up to a high den looking item on top of melded, piled materials that somehow stabilized it, "Except there. That is where I sleep," he meowed returning his attention to their newest member, "Forget your past. This is where your new life begins. You will hunt and be shown the perimeters tomorrow that you will patrol daily," he meowed before waving his tail in dismissal. Turning around, he bounded to his den in a few large strides, climbing upon the heap and vanishing in his den. 

Flare looked around the new camp. Bark had vanished from her side. She was now left alone to explore the camp and see how well she could adjust to this new lifestyle. 


A/N: I know this was a short chapter x.x. I felt I needed one shorter after the others have been pretty long XD. 

I decided on doing a few more chapters...XD DX I kinda don't want this to come to a close, but, I'm already working on the second book so I'm excited a little bit XD. 

Until next time,


Starpool's Secret- Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora