Chapter Nine

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[Chapter Nine]

The moon shone brightly by the time Starpool had gotten up. She looked around the den, seeing the bodies of sleeping warriors. Her gaze rested on Witheringlight. Guilt clawed at her heart and the feeling sank to her stomach. You're my best friend, even if we did end up not being related, she sighed quietly, I hate keeping this from you. Not wasting anymore time Starpool hastily made her way across camp and to the dirt place tunnel. No one would suspect me, she blinked. Not paying attention, the newly made warrior stepped on a twig. A small gasp was heard.

"Whose there?" Lemonflower growled.

"Come out, now," Treeripple hissed.

Great. Starpool thought but said nothing. Instead, she quietly crept past them, leaving the two newly made warriors to call out to her and wonder who was there. I hope they forgot to check the scent, she thought anxiously. Once she was a safe distance away from them, she took off in a run, leaping and avoiding obstacles. I hope he's there... she thought, anxious while her heart pounded and her stomach churned.

"Beetlepaw?" She called yet kept her voice in a whisper.

"It's Beetlewing now," A voice purred, stepping out from the bushes on Shadowclan's territory. Starpool let out a breath of relief, walking closer to the border. She parted her jaws, smelling for other cats yet she scented none.

"You aren't going to congratulate me?" Beetlewing asked, yet his eyes held amusement.

"Oh, yea," Starpool laughed yet it was nervous, "Congratulations,"

Beetlewing looked into Starpool's eyes. His emotions were unreadable. Shaking out his brindle pelt, he asked, "Anything happen after you ran off?"

Starpool's ears burned with embarrassment, "You saw that?" She asked quietly. She wish she hadn't been reminded. She found out the truth yesterday and it was still a fresh cut to her heart.

"Everyone saw it," Beetlewing replied, but in a gentler tone he added, "When I saw what happened, I was concerned about you," He pressed his muzzle to her head. His warm breath made her shiver. Right now, in this moment he, washed away all her problems, her worries, her fears, everything. She hardly knew him, but she felt as if she needed him to keep her stable. He makes everything ok, she thought. As much as she wanted to stay like that, she pulled away, asking shyly, "How were you going to try and make it up to me?"

Beetlewing inhaled, "I want us to get closer," He confessed. Starpool looked at him with shock and disbelief. She opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off, "Please hear me out," He meowed quickly, "You only saw the bad side of me and I only saw the defensive side of you-" Beetlewing hesitantly stepped over the border, "Maybe we could be friends?" His gaze bore into hers. She could already see the possibility of where this could lead. She paused, allowing other possibilities to run through her mind.

She had heard the stories about the Thunderclan medicine cat, Leafpool, and her love for the Windclan cat, Crowfeather. This wouldn't be much different and besides, she wanted to stay loyal-even though what she was doing right now said the opposite. "N-No," she told him softly after thinking about it. She began to back away, "You see where this could lead, can't you?" Starpool sighed, "I don't want to take that risk,"

Beetlewing's expression changed from hopeful to hurt, "I understand," he meowed. Shaking out his pelt he added, "I suppose we should return to our clans then....I'll see you around Starpaw,"

"It's Starpool now," She told him quietly before turning and darting back to camp.

Beetlewhisker watched her run until he couldn't see her anymore. I won't give up on you Starpool. Not yet. With a sigh, he turned and headed back to his own territory.
A/N: Thoughts? Do you think Starpool should've been more open-minded? OH and I have a question for you guys.

What would you rather see happen:

Starpool get into a love triangle with Treeripple and Beetlewing?


Jax come to Thunderclan to see his daughter because he never really died?


Both? (razzledazzle83 suggested it x3)

May you find shelter where you sleep, swift hunting and guidance from the stars,

P.s. I forgot to say (until now) I also have a little surprise :)

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