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Mao dragged Amano and put a knife to his neck. "I'll just take that from you." She took Amano's phone, a diary. I knew right away, Amano was really stupid fro telling us about that little 'app'.

Then Hinata came. I giggled. I knew she wasn't dead. She pointed at me. "Kaida Sakaru! Your a Diary Owner!" I smirked. Everyone looked at me.


"So, I have my diary and you have Amano's, and it's good." I played with the coin in my hand. "Let's gamble a little shall we? This is fun? Right?" I giggled. "If your feeling lucky, that is." Hinata laughed. "Like luck has anything to do with that. I could tell the future."

"Tch, you think it could be that easy? I could change it, I know, I'm being a little cocky right here."

Mao then said to a stressing Hinata. "Hinata, she's just trying to mess with your mind because she knows Amano's diary is better." "All right then, easy pezzy."

""Your on, bring it!" I smiled. "If you say so." I tossed the coin to Hinata, she caught it.

"First a warm up toss. Would you so as kind to do it?" She tossed it up in the air put it in one of her hands. "Okay, which one is hiding the glory!" I looked at my 'diary'.

Yuno walked up to me. "You better get this right." I smiled at her. "Oh, don't worry, my 'diary' is kind of a stickler for details." I smiled. "It's in your left. Am I correct?" I giggled, knowing that I was right, and then glaring at Akise a little then back at Hinata. Hinata showed, it was on her left hand.

"H-How did y-y-y-you...?" Hinata shuddered. I smiled. "Okiee Dokiee, that will do! Let's do it for real now!" I cheered. Mao said to Hinata. "I don't get it, shouldn't Amanos' diary be able to predict what's in Kaida's diary?" Hinata screamed. "Shut Up!"

I tossed the coin in the air and caught it. I sang. "Oh where oh where has my little coin gone?"

Hinata said. "It's in you right!" Everyone's phone buzzed. I smirked. "Oh," I reveled both of my hands. "Not here." Amano complamented me. "She's good!" I ignored him. Yuno glared at me. "Okay my little chikitys, hand it over." "Hell with that." Hinata said. "How about I hand over the kid instead." I sighed. "Are you okay with that, i agreed to your stupid game, no reason to just end it in just one round." I then glared at Akise, "Akise." I dangled my phone. He smirked. He came up to me and took it. I whispered in his ear. "You know what to do, right?" Akise smirked. "Yeah, and nice job." I blushed with a smiled. "T-Thanks..." I then see Amano run up to me. "T-That was amazing, Kaida! Dude, your like a boss! We could play i mean---" I just blocked him out and smiled and nodded... and glared at Akise with a smirk.

Akise growled, and that made me giggle. Hinata then said. "There switching, Akise knew about Kaida's diary..." Akise then said. "Alright, let's move on shall we, but first you have to agree if I win, this makes it the final round, okay? No point will drag you, ah!" Akise was pulled down by Gasai, she had a knife to his neck.

"Sorry for all the fuss, but i forgot to ask you something important, who are you, which number?"

"Yuno let off him, he's trying to get my diary back." she took my phone from him. "Look, no entrys." "what's your game, your not a diary user." I then laughed, all eyes were on me.

I held my stomach. "I'm sorry," I held my head."This is JUST TO FUNNY! Yuno, you have to think also, you attack Akise, but you should of attacked me! I was bluffing! I wanted to test something out! This is just*laughs* AMAZING!" I continued to laugh. "She was bluffing..." Yuno said. "Because of that, I'm going to hurt the one you love." I giggled and took a knife out.
I quickly ran over before Gasai could harm Akise and put a knife to her neck. I was practically siting on Akise's legs. "You shouldn't really do that," I whispered in Yuno's ear. "Your not the only one that knows how to use a knife..."

I giggled. "Get up." I ordered. We got off of Akise. Akise stood up and looked at me. I let Yuno go. "There has been some life to the game, I fancy." Akise said with a smile. "Hinata wants Me dead cause I know her dad's dirty little secret, but did you know that, Kaida does know also. Know let's start playing and be done with it, okay?"

"This is crazy, you can't get the better of someone who can tell the future!" Amano said.

Akise said. "If it's all the same to you sweet cheeks, then I can decide my self." Akise smiled at him. "Your crazy!"

Hinata said. "Let's do it!"

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