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        I sighed. "So, Gasai took Amano some where?" I asked Akise on the phone. Akise said. "Yeah, we haven't heard from them in months." I nodded and got a glass cup and poured some water in it and drank it. "So will you go to a hot spring with me?" I spit out my water and dropped the glass cup. My face was red. "A-Akise! I don't think that is very appropriate! How does it help with the case?!"

        Dose Aru Akise like me?! I blushed. That's wonderful! Akise giggled into the phone. "Are you okay? I heard some glass shatter." I nodded. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine!" I ignored the deep cut on my arm.

        Akise said. "Good, and don't worry. I won't try anything on you. I have a feeling to where Gasai and Amano are." Akise said, going back on topic. I tilted my head, leaning the phone on my shoulder.

        "Why go to a hot spring tho?" I asked while picking up the shattered glass. Akise said. "I was given some tickets and thought it would be relaxing to go, and also where they're at is near the hot spring."

        I nodded and threw the glass away. "Okay." I closed the trash can lid. "When?" "In two days." I nodded. "Okay." Akise and I hung up at the same time.

        I looked at my bleeding arm, seeing that there are tiny glass shards in it. I sighed and got some tweezers to get them out, once I got them out I put alcohol on it, I winched. "Ouch."

        I wrapped a bandage around my arm. I sighed. "That should be better." I went in the kitchen and made some tea.

        Today is the day, the hot spring. I walked to the bus station and saw Akise. I waved with a smile. "Hi Akise!" Then, Hinata and Mao came into my view. "Hey Kadia!"

        My smile slowly turned into a frown. "H-Hey, Hinata and Mao. What are you two doing here?" I asked. Hinata said. "Akise invited us!" Mao nodded. "Yeah, he said that he has extra tickets and invited us." I nodded. Mao asked. "Akise invited you too! Awesome!" I nodded and fake smiled. "Just great."

        Akise scratched the back of his head. "Sorry I didn't tell you about that Kadia." I nodded. "No problem! The more the merrier!"

        I sulked and poked the ground with a stick. Hinata and Mao squatted down next to me. "We know you like Akise-kun~" I gasped and blushed. "SHHHHHH!" I whispered. "How?"

        They looked at each other and giggled. "The way you look at him." I blushed even more. "Don't tell anyone, please!" The nodded. "Promise!" Hinata patted my back. "We can go away if you want to." Mao smiled. "For the sake of love~" I shook my head. "No-No! It's okay, you guys should relax, don't worry. It's alright." Hinata asked. "You sure?" I nodded. "Y-Yeah."

        Hinata stood up and stretched. "Hot spring here we come!"

        We arrived at the hot spring. We set our bags down at the place we're staying over. Hinata cheered. "We're here! Hot spring here we come!" Mao took a picture of Hinata being happy and followed her to the hot spring. I smiled. "I'm glad those two are enjoying them self." I said to myself. I took off my purple jacket.

        "How did you get that?" I turned around and saw Akise pointing at my bandage. I laughed it off. "It's nothing really. Don't worry about it Akise."

        I was about to leave until Akise held my wrist. "Kadia, what happened?" I sighed. "Remember when you heard glass shatter over the phone two days ago?" Akise nodded.

        "Well, this is what happened. I accidentally cut myself." Akise touched the wound, I winched. "It's pretty deep. I think you may need stitches." I shook my head. "Ah, no! I think I'm alright!"

        Akise said. "No, it could get infected." "I put alcohol on it, it'll be alright!" Akise thought for a bit. "Kadia?" I nodded. "Y-Yes?" "Do you have a fear of needles?" I gasped. "N-No! Why would you think that!?" Akise giggled. "I'm a detective." I scoffed. "I-I know." Akise said. "Let me stitch it up for you and we'll change the bandages." I nodded. "O-Okay."

        Akise took out a needle and thread. I gasped. "Ah! No no no no! I change my mind!" I tried my best to get out of Akise's grasp, but my arm hurt to much and if I put any pressure on it it will hurt more.

        Akise told me. "Don't look at the needle, just look at me." I took deep breaths and just kept my eyes on Aru Akise's rose red ones. "There, that's better, see?"

        I didn't even notice that Akise put stitches on me, I didn't even feel a thing. Akise put a bandage around my arm and kissed it. I blushed. "Wh-wha?"

        Akise giggled. "I kissed it all better." Akise winked at me. I blushed. "Y-Yeah." Akise stretched. "Now, let's go to the hot spring!" I nodded. "Yeah!"



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