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"He's better than you."

"You can never be as good as him."

"You're not smart."

"You're not sly."

"All you can do is sing."

"All you have is a pretty face."

"You're not even a good detective."

It was like every comment that would come from my mind hit me like an arrow, but the last one was a spear.

I hate anxiety.

I look up at the ceiling like it's the most interesting thing in the room. The only time my anxiety would come up and bitch slap me would be when I would do my detective work.

I cover my eyes with my hands. "That's no very nice, brain."

"Are you okay, Kadia?" I turn my head to face Akise. "No." "You wanna talk about it?" "No."

Akise stood up from his chair, he walks to me. "What's wrong?" I sit up on the couch, then hug my legs close to my chest.

The albino sat next to me. I ask. "Don't you have work to do?" "Don't you?" He said back. I face away from Akise.

The detective sighs and puts his arms around me. Akise's hugging me. I rest my chin on Akise's shoulder. I felt tears form in my eyes. I blink them back. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong." Akise says.

Him saying that makes me feel even worse.

The tears fell and I hug my crush back. "I'm sorry!" Akise pats my back in a soothing way. My tears stained his shirt. "I'm jealous of you."

Akise pulls back, wanting to look at me. I avoid eye contact. "I'm sorry." I said once more. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You did nothing wrong." He repeated and wipe my tears away with his sleeve. "I-I feel so-so-so b-b-bad for being jealous of you tho-though!" I hiccup. "You're so nice to me and I like you!" Some more tears fell. "I-it felt wrong . . ."

The albino's lips touches my forehead. My tears stopped falling and a deep rose red blush appeared on my cheeks.

We looks into each other's eyes. We both leaned forward and our lips touched. We kiss.

"Akise . . " The albino detective tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're a great detective, Kadia. You shouldn't be jealous of me." I nod. Akise's right. I am. I shouldn't be self conscious about my skills. I smile. "Thank you." Akise smiles back.

Then, it turns upside down. "I'm sorry that you have to wait long." He's talking about our relationship now.

I put on a small smile. "It's okay." I put my hands into Akise's. "As long as I'm with you and knowing that you love me, I can wait a long time."

Akise's smile turns back right up again. "Thank you."

We both turn our head at the files scattered on the table. I sigh. "Okay partner. We should get back to work."


A/N~ Aaaawwww~  ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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