Amusement Park

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I sighed. "This is stupid..." I say while licking some ice cream off of the ice cream cone. "Why did the chef make us do this...?" I then heard. "You should know why, your a detective ain't you?" I sweatdroped. I turned around to face Akise. "Yes, I am." (What she is wearing BTW )

I sighed. I finished my ice cream and I finished the cone. "So, Akise, want to go to that roller coaster?" I smiled a closed eyed smile and pointed to the splash mountain roller coaster. He looked at me, ummm sure..."

Time skip cause the line is to long

I was on the front and Akise was behind me. "Ready?" I asked Akise. He nodded."

Akise's POV---

I never saw her so happy. When I first met her, she was all mean... kind of reminds me off... is she...?

Kaida's POV---

Okay, the 50 foot drop is coming soon. I held my arms up, then held them back down holding the side bars because I was scared... and we dropped. I got soaked and screamed. *SPLASH!**

Le Time Skip

We decided to go to the Water Park. I put on a two piece swim suit. It's the color rose red. (Huh, reminds me of someone's eye color, :L )

I went out and I saw Akise already in the pool... shirtless, I blushed at this. I ran to him. I waved and smiled. "YO! AKISE!!!"

Akise's POV---

*bounce* bounce* **bounce* If you know what I mean... {Me: *wiggles eyebrows* I know what ya mean! XD}

Kaida's POV---

I got to Akise. "Akise, do you know how to swim?" I asked. we are in the shallow water. He nodded. "Yeah, want to go on a swim?" I nodded, but then said. "Can you teach me how to swim first?" He facepalmed. "Your 14 and you don't know how to swim...?" I nodded. I crossed my arms. Which made them pop out. "Sooooo, can you teach me...?" I asked, leaning over a little with a smile. "Ummm, sure." I cheered. "YAY! I'm gonna learn how to swim! YAHOO!"

"Okay, trust me got it?" I nodded. Akise put his hands on my stomach. I blushed. "Ummm, what are you doing?" "You want to learn how to swim, right?" I nodded. "So, now paddle!" "Okay okay, jezz, no need to yell." I say. I then swan by my self. I cheered. "I CAN SWIM!!!" I dived underwater, then got back up, quickly... I held my chest and I blushed. I went underwater a little bit...

Akise asked, coming near me. "Hey, what's wrong...? Oh..." He saw me. My bikini top was swimming away... Akise said. "I'll get it." I gasped and used one arm to cover up and another to hold his arm. "I thought you were smart!?! You can't leave me alone like this!" He then looked at me. "Oh, yeah." He then saw a life guard. "Ms! She lost her bikini top, can you get it?" She nodded. "Okay, I will."

Then someone bumped into me, and it pushed me to Akise, I was forced to hug him... I need to hide them. "Can you let go." Akise asked. I cringed. "Again, I thought you were smart, can you tell the position we are in right now? So. Don't. Move." I said with tears at the edge of my eyes. "This is so embarrassing, remind me to never go to the pool/beach/water park ever again with you."

Then the lady came back again. "Is this yours." I looked up. "Oh thank you." Akise grabbed it and gave it to me, I went underwater to put it on. I had a blush on my face. 'Thanks for helping me, umm, Aru." Akise smirked. "So, you finally call me by my first name?" I nodded, then blushed. "Only this once!" We laughed.

Time Skip to de Faress(I spelled that wrong...) Wheel

I laughed. "Everyone looks like ants from up here!" I giggled. He then said. "Am I the only one to know that your, 'Mystery'?" I looked at him shocked. "How'd you find out?" He laughed. "I'm a detective also, dear... And I am smart." I laughed. I crossed my legs and said. "There's no hiding anything from THE Great Akise, huh, is there?" I giggled and replied. "Yes, I'm 'Mystery'. THE famous singer. I didn't ask to be famous." I said and put my chin on my palm. "I always kept my identity a secret, so i called my self, 'Mystery'." I looked at him. "Are you even real...?" He looked at me, confused. "What are you talking about?" I smirked and pointed at him and uncrossed my legs.

"Your name!" Akise looked at me. "What about my name?" "Your name means... exist!" Silence... He lowered my hand down. "Soooo?" I smirked. "SOOOOO! That means your de opposite!" I yelled, proud of my logic. Akise sweatdropped. "How does that make any sense? That is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard." I furrowed my eyebrows together. "HEY! Don't question my logic!" Akise sighed and rubbed his head. "How are you a good detective and how did I get paired up with you?" I crossed my arms. "Okay, listen here cutie! I'm a great detective!" "..." Akise went silent and smirked. I shrugged my shoulders. "What...?" Akise pointed at me. "You called me cute." I blushed and turned my head to the right. "O-Oh, and I did, it's just the truth... I do have to admit, you are cute." He looked at me and smiled. "So, does this mean you like me?" I blushed 50 shades of red. I stood up and leaned my face an inch away from Akise's face. "JUST BECAUSE I SAID YOU ARE CUTE! DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU!!!" Akise laughed. I looked at him and sat back down. Akise smirked. "You're funny." "Ummm, thanks." I said. Akise-Kun, you are... Mysterious.....

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