Kissy Noises

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"They're closing the orphanage?" I say once finishes Nishijima telling me. The police officer/mayor's security guard nods. Akise adds, "Apparently, the terrorists that caused the bombing has some type of connection with the orphanage."

Why would the council allow that? Do they not know that it will cause an outrage all over the media? No, they would know this. They handled drama like this before. Is it that they do not care that they are taking the home away from the poor children? What is their goal?

I rest my elbow on the table and my chin on my hand. "But how do they know this?" I ask. Akise takes off his white gloves and says, "My thoughts exactly. We know that the two terrorists are diary holders." I lick my lips and think. If it involves dairy holders then . . . I say, "Maybe . . . there is a diary holder in the council?" Akise nods, "I thought so too."

Nishijima gets a call on his phone, he answers it and replies with hums and okays. Once the phone call ends, he turns to us and says, "That was Uryuu Minene. She says that she needs to tell my something important."

I smile and make kissy noises at the cop. "Go run to your girlfriend!" He rolls his eyes, but I can see a faint blush on his cheeks. "You're suppose to be mature for your age!" I mimic the cop's eye roll, "I'm fourteen. Wow, I'm so grown up." I say sarcastically.

He grabs his jacket and puts it on. "You know, I almost forgot that you and Akise are still in your teens." He grabs the keys to his car and opens the door. "You two are already acting like adults." After he says that, he waves to us, bye, before leaving to the destination 9th told him to go to.

Once I hear the car leave, the words that Nishijima had said repeats over and over again in my head. He's right.

I sink in my chair. We're kids solving cases about murder. We shouldn't even know these stuff! I puff my cheeks and let out a sigh.

"You okay, Kadia?" Akise sits beside me and places his pale hand on mine. Our fingers intertwine with each other. I lean my head on Akise's shoulder. Even though we're not officially a couple, we still act like one because we love each other greatly.

"It's what Nishijima said," I start, "What he said about us being kids." Akise kisses my hair and rest his head on mine. "Well, he's not wrong."

I take my head off of his shoulder and say, "Exactly." I puff my cheeks and mumble, "We're just kids doing an adults work. Why us?" I tighten my grip on Akise's hand. "Why can't we be able to live a normal life and- and be able to date!" I face Akise. "Why?"

The albino uses his free hand and cups my cheek with his hand. "Remember, solving mysteries is what we love. That's why we do it." I sniff. Akise is right once again. I love mysteries. I disobeyed my mother to continue doing what I love, and that is being a detective.

"Once this is over, we can date and go on as many dates as you want!" A smile slowly appears on my face when Akise promises me that. I nudge his shoulder with my own. "You're making me sound like the whiny girlfriend." Akise chuckles. "Well you are." I gasp and playfully punch his shoulder. "Wow!" The two of us laugh.

We smile at each other. Akise pecks my lips with a kiss. My smile widens and my cheeks turn pink.

Minutes later, Nishijima barges through the door and yells, "The mayor is 11th!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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