At Yuno Gasai's Place

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A/N~ I want to thank you for all the support, I'm sorry that I don't update much, but here I am updating now! Enjoy! ^-^


        I felt a vibration in my skirt pocket. I blinked and put my hand in my pocket, what caused the vibration was my phone. I took out my blue phone. My eyes widened. 'Aru's calling me?!?!' I thought, excited. I smiled. "Okay, act cool." I answered it. "Hi, Aru!" put a hair behind my ear. "Do you know how to pick a lock?"

        I scratched the back of my neck. "Uh, yeah, why?" 'What is he planning?'  "Okay, great! I have a plan, meet me at the bus station, Kaida!" I yelled into the phone. "Wait! Don't just go on doing plans without telling me first-!" BEEP BEEP I sighed. He hung up.

        I walked down stairs and out the door to the bus station. I saw Aru looking at his phone with one hand and his other hand in his pocket, I blushed. 'He's so cute!' 

        Aru waved at me with a smile. I blushed even more and fast walked to him. I asked him. "So, Aru, what's the plan?" I tilted my head. Aru smiled and said. "We're going to go into Gasai's house!"

        I jumped back a bit. "Have you thought that she might be in there?! We have to come up with a plan to get the pinky out!-" Aru said. "I already did that." He sighed and said. "I told Gasai that there is a free wedding trial that she can go to. I gave her free tickets." I sighed. "Lucky them.." 'I kind of want to do that with Aru..' I looked at my shoes and blushed. 'That would never happen, besides, he likes Amano..' Aru noticed that I was a little upset and patted my head. I blinked.

        'What the heck?'  Aru put his finger on my chin and lift it up so that I was looking at his rose red eyes. He smirked and said. "If you wanted to go at a place like that with me, you could of just told me." I jumped back a bit and waved my hands in the air. "No! It's just, I'm upset that I didn't come up with anything like that!" I lied. Aru stared at me and I giggled nervously.

        Aru laughed and put his index finger and thumb on his chin. "Well, it's because you're not as smart as me, that's all." A red tick mark was on my forehead. "Shut up, know at all!" 

        Aru laughed. "Well, I'm amused. Come on, you have a lock to pick!" I nodded. "Okay, let's go, slow poke!"

                    ~Le Time skip to Yuno Gasai's house brought to you by Kadia's nervous laugh!~  

        I got a bobby pin from my hair and unlocked the door. I smiled. Aru patted my back. "Good job, maybe we will go on the free wedding trial together someday." Aru winked at me. I blushed.

        I whispered to my self. "That would be nice.." I yelled. "Stop toying around with me!" I heard a, " Ah hu." I sighed and put my left hand on my forehead. "Whatever.." I wandered around. 

        I tried turning on the lights, but the power's out. I looked around and I see candle sticks everywhere. I found that odd. I saw that there were two bedrooms here, a home for a family of 3.

        'So Gasai dose live alone. Aru was right. Then where are her parents, you would think that they are paying the bills and providing money of their daughter to live off of, but I guess they're not, unless they're dead...'

        Just thinking about it gives me the chills. "Kadia!" I jumped, jumped so high that I hit my head on the ceiling. "Aru?! Is that you?!" 'Please let it be Aru and not Gasai's ghost parents!'  "Yeah! It's me!" 

        I sighed in relief. "Where are you?!" "Outside!" Was the reply. I jogged to the backyard. I looked at the big hole in the ground. "Whoa.. That's a big hole.." I grabbed a pebble and dropped it in there.

        I heard the sound the pebble made. I whistled. "Sounds deep." Aru nodded. "I agree." Aru faced me, I looked at him. "So, what dose this place look like to you?" "Abandoned. Broken. Dark."

        Aru nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking that also. I think Gasai made this hole because of Amano." My eyes widened. I said my thoughts out loud.

        I snapped my fingers. "I guess Amano is her reason of living. Gasai needs him, that's why she protects him. She loves him so much that she will do anything for him."


        Aru smirked. "Well, look here, I guess I'm not the only smart one here after all." I blushed at the complement. "Thanks.." Aru smiled at me and I smiled back.

        We heard the front door open. "Well, looks like they're here." I nodded and we both walked to the front door. Amano is trying to open the lights. Aru dose all the talking. "Well, well, seems like the powers out, huh?"

       When the wimp sees us, his eyes widened. He knows that we searched the place and saw the hole. I want to laugh at him, but I didn't do that.

        "It's nice though, it makes it nice and atmospherics in here, don't you agree?" "What are you-?" "What do you think of the wedding place? Prepare you for the future?"

        "Why did you send us? Unless you?!" "Oh come on! It's not like I could scour this joint with Yuno actually here? I'm good, but not that good." I coughed. Aru looked at me. "We're good." I smiled.

        Amano looked at the door, where the big hole is. "Did you go in that room?" I smirked. Gasai slowly woke up. "What's the matter, my love? What's going on?"

        I put my hand on the side of the door. (It's like one of those sliding doors, btw. Just wanted you guys to know.) I giggled. I said, acting like I didn't know what was in here, acting innocent. "Oh? This one? Have you seen what's in here?" Amano took some steps forward. "You have no right to go poking around!" Aru laughed. "Oh please! If I stayed in the bounds of propriety then what could I  to uncover!" I opened the door and we all saw the big, deep hole in the ground.


A/N~ I hope you enjoyed! 2+ comments for more! ^-^

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