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A/N~ I had to redo this chapter ;-;

I broke Kosada's phone in half. He screamed. "Ahhhh! I'm gonna die! I though you and I were friends, Kadia! What did I ever do to you?!" I rolled my eyes. "Tch." I combed my hair back. "You're not dead." Kosada looked at himself and nodded. "That's right!" Kosada looked at his phone that was in my hand. "You broke my phone! You pay for my new one!"

        I said. "I proved that you won't die if your diary breaks. That's payment enough." Akise tapped his chin. "So because he's not a part of the survival game and has no number, he isn't officially a diary user." I crossed my arms and nodded. "Exactly." Akise complemented me, "Nice work, Kadia." He placed his arm on my shoulder. A blush crept on my cheeks.

I turned away, "Y-Yeah, it was no biggy." I took a few steps forwards, away from Akise, his hand no longer by my side, I walked up to Amano. Amano complemented me. "Wow! You're a great detective, Kadia!" I smiled. "Why thank you Amano." Amano said, "Why don't you just call me, Yukitaru." I blinked. "You see me as a friend?" Amano nodded. "Yes I do, Kadia."

        I felt jealousy, not from me, but from someone else. I tapped my chin with my index finger. "Be careful of what you say, Yukitaru." Amano tilted his head to the side. "Why? Did I say something to offend you?" I shook my head and looked up at the clock. I still have some time.  "No no, you didn't say anything wrong, it's just," I looked at everyone, all of their faces. It would be terrible to see everyone of my friends be gone.

I turned back to Amano. "Yukitaru, I'm sorry about this, but we may have to keep some things secret from you." Amano's eye widened in surprise. "Don't you trust me?!" I sighed. "We trust you, Yukitaru." I scratched the back of my head. "Knowing that Gasai has the diary of Future Love; means that she has kept an eye on you for a very long time. She would know everything." Akise cut to the chase. "We don't trust Gasai."

        Amano nodded, understanding. "I got it." I looked up at the clock. I have to go soon, they're waiting for me. I swing my backpack over my shoulder. Hinata asked. "Where are you going, Kadia-Chan?" I scratched my cheek with my index finger, thinking of an excuse. "I have some errands to run for my mother, she's not feeling very well." Everyone nodded, excusing me, except one detective who had an eyebrow raised, knowing exactly what's up.

( Her outfit  )

I heard the crowd go wild, I adjusted my mic, then I put on my mask. (If you remember, a couple chapters ago, Kadia is also a singer named Mystery.) I inhaled and exhaled. I'm nervous and . . excited at the same time. What an odd feeling. I took deep breaths. You can do this. I said to my self. Don't be afraid. I walked out on stage, the crowd screams louder as the chanted my stage name, "Mystery! Mystery!".

        I smiled, waved to my adoring fans. "Hello everyone!" I had a voice changer on, so my voice sounded a bit robotic so no one new my real voice. "Ready for some music!" The crowd screamed loud. I grinned, back up dancers running behind and beside me. The lights shined on me, the voice changer turned off and the music began.

(Yo, any Glee fans out there?)

(Trouble Tones! YAY!)

I sang many more songs, receiving many encores, but sadly time was up and the concert was over. I air kissed my fans. "Good night everybody!" As I left, I noticed a white haired detective in the crowd. I ran back stage. "You were great!" I was showered with complements. I smiled. "Ma'am, you have a signing." I nodded. "Okay." I followed the manager to the booth to where I would be signing merchandise and what not.

        I sat on a plastic chair. People asked for pictures, but none are allowed. I didn't feel guilt of turning it down, I want to keep my identity a secret.

"Will you please sign this for me, it's for a friend." I nodded. "Sure, to who?" "Kadia Sakaru." My eyes widened. I looked up to see the amazing detective, Aru Akise. I giggled. "Of coarse!"

        Instead of Kadia Sakaru, I wrote, 'Dear Aru Akise, what are you doing here? Love, Mystery~ <3' I gave the note to Akise, he laughed. "What a note." I winked. "Really," I whispered, "Why are you here?" Akise laughed. "I wanted to see why you where you went off to." I rolled my eyes. Akise said. "I also wanted to see your concert, and may I say, you have an amazing voice." I blushed, but he couldn't see because of the mask. "Why, thank you, Akise."

"You're holding up the line!" A person yelled behind Akise. I said. "I'll talk to you later."

I changed back into my original clothes and meet up with Akise behind the concert building. I giggled. "Sorry for the wait." Akise said. "No need to apologize." I nodded, Akise walked me to my house. It was quiet for a few minutes, until Akise said, "I talked to your mom." My eyes widened. "What!?" Akise nodded. "I talked her into letting you keep on being a detective."

        I blinked, "How?" Akise giggled and held a finger to his lips and winked, "It's my secret." I pouted. "Well your no fun." I crossed my arms. We were almost there. The cool breeze cause me to shiver. Akise noticed and asked me, "Are you cold?" He took off his jacket. I blushed. "N-no, it's alright. I can endure it!" Akise placed his jacket around me. "Wouldn't you be cold?" I asked. Akise shrugged. "I can endure it."

Akise giggled. The detective wiped something off of my cheek with his thumb. "You got some, glitter there." I nodded and stared into Akise's rose red eyes. Akise looked into mine and leaned in. My eyes widened. Aru Akise is going to kiss me!? I closed my eyes and leaned in as well. Our foreheads touched, but I was pulled away by the shoulders. I opened my eyes. "Wh-what's wrong?" Akise looked down. "I'm sorry. I- I probably should go." Akise walked away.

        I sighed and scratched the back of my head. I knew it was too good to be true. I walking inside my house. Mother told me that I could still be a detective, but I had to do safer cases. I smiled with a nod, mentally and trying to telepathically thank Akise for getting through my mother. I opened my bedroom door and shut it close behind me, sliding down the white door, covering my hands in my face. "How stupid was I thinking that Akise would actually kiss me?"

~A/N~ Author-Chan is evil, I know. SORRY!

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