Amano's Mother

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"So that's Gasai's mother and father?"


"Who's the third skeleton?" I ask. "We don't know yet. It's still a mystery to us." The scientist says. I look over to Akise. "Who do you think?" I ask. My partner guesses, "It could be a family member or someone who hurt her." He got silent for a moment. "Or maybe someone who got in her way."


"Everyone, stand back!" I yell at the crowd surrounding the crumbling building.

"Mommy, what's going on?"

"The building is breaking baby. The police men are making sure that no one gets hurt when it falls."

        I look at the mother and the son watching the building collapse. The boy and I make eye contact. I smile at him. "Like your mommy said." I kneel down to him. "We're here to keep you safe." He smiles. "Thank you for your hard work miss!" My smile widens. "I'm glad to help." The two soon leave.

        "My son is in there! Yuki!" I look around. Yuki? My eyes spot a worried woman. I walk up to her. "Are you Yukiteru's mother?" She put a hand to her chest and nods. "Yes, and you are?" I give her a reassuring smile. "A friend of his." I pull my hand out from my side. "My name is Sakaru Kadia." She shakes it. "You'll help him get out of there, right?" I try to comfort her. "We're trying our best."

        I see that something has caught her eyes. She murmurs something. A name? I look over to where what caught her gaze, but all I saw were buildings and a sky. "Is something the matter miss . . . ?" I say as I turn my head back to Amano's mother. "No need to worry, I'll be back in a bit." She says and runs off.

        I found it quite suspicious that she just left like that, but decided that it was probably nothing and that I shouldn't worry too much. She knows what she's doing.

        The building crumbles down more. Some of it falls onto the floor. I look around for Amano's mother, but she's no where in sight. It has been a long time now and she's not back yet. I'm starting to worry for her. I look around the area to find her.

        I click my tongue. "Where is she?" I cross my arms together as I walk down the steps. My breathing hitched at the sight I see in front of me. "Oh my gosh." I run to her body and place my hand over her wound to try to stop the bleeding. "Miss! Miss! Are you alive!" I put my head on her chest to check for breathing. She's not breathing. I'm panicking now. "No. No." I repeat over and over again. I check her pulse. None. "Oh gosh." I'm too late. She's gone.

        I call Nishijima. "Hello! Please come quick! Amano's mother is dead!" I told him my location and he said he is coming quick with an ambulance.

        My breath is shaky and my body too. I look at my hands. Bloody. I look back at the lifeless body. I lift up her shirt to examine the wound. There's a lot of blood and it's a big cut.

        I came to the conclusion that Amano's mother died from a stab wound, but who would stab her. She seems like a kind lady who cares lot about her son. Why would anyone hurt her?

        If only I came earlier. If only I followed her. If only . . .

        Soon, the ambulance arrived and took her away. Nishijima hands me a handkerchief. "We can't let Amano see the body. Not yet. He'll break down." I grab it and wipe my hands away from the blood. I nod, agreeing with him. "Yeah." I look up from the stairs and see familiar pink hair. "It's them." I said, pointing at their direction.

        We run up the stairs. Nishijima says. "Amano, don't come here. I need to tell you something." He tells him the unfortunate news that his mother passed. At first, it seems like he didn't hear him but seconds later, he let out a scream.


        "Gasai didn't answer you?" I ask. "No. She just left. Just got up and left." Nishijima tells me when he asked Gasai about the third skeleton that was found in her home. "Well isn't that strange." I sigh softly. "I'm even more intrigued."

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