Ch. 10- Runaway

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  • Dedicated to Zuppeman

YAY, double digits :D (for the chappies)

Dedicated to Zuppeman for all the random chats and for reading :D

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I think I'll do the same deal as last time. 5 votes AND comments (this time), then I'll upload.

Enjoy :D

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PS. I know that Willy Wonka, Jack Sparrow and Johnny Depp are the "same" person... Just btw.



Ch. 9 - Grenade Eliza's clan and Joel's guild head out to kill each other. They meet at the sacred fighting grounds. Eliza and Joel are forced to fight. Eliza blocks out her feelings for Joel, and wins the fight.

Eliza's POV:

After the fight I went straight home. When I had reached the edge of the forest, I ran. I could not think. I did not want to think.  I just wanted to run, run away from everything. I wanted to get away from the reality of what I had done.

When I reached the castle, I ran straight up to my room. I opened the door and went to hug Anarel. Sometimes that annoying magician had some useful magic. Like when he teleports into my open arms so that I can cry on him. Or when he teaches me spells that make the boy you love temporarily  dead.

No, I did not really kill Joel, I only temporarily killed him... There's a difference! All I'm saying is that I did not, could not, really hurt Joel. You see, Anarel had taught me a spell to drain the life out of someone, temporarily. It would paralyze their senses and stop their heart, but the victim would come out of it unhurt, in fact the magic would heal them. So any damage I had done to Joel, and I tried to do as little as possible, would be gone by the time he woke up.

As for the teleporting, Anarel had a good sense of when and where to turn up. I had opened the door and walked straight into his arms. From there we walked over to my bed, well more like Anarel walked and I was dragged. But it worked for me.

"Hey, hey, hey... It's OK Eliza... It's gonna be alright. He'll forgive you, he knows it was really a fight to death... He'll be glad you didn't really kill him. Don't worry... Shh.. It's OK... Go to sleep... It was all just a nightmare... Shh... Go to sleep..." Anarel soothed me, probably working some of his mind-magic, willing me to slip into that special sleep that only Anarel could fabricate for me. He wove it out of magic and good memories, and now he opened it for me to climb into.

As I fell into blissful peace, I saw one last picture. Joel lying lifeless on the battlefield.

Xander's POV:

Milkshake and bananas! I was going to track that girl down and talk the crap out of her! And I was going to use too many exclamation marks for her to register!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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