Ch. 11- Do you want me (dead)?

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Hey :D

I'm giving up on the whole so and so many votes/comments thing, but please do comment/vote/like/fan/add to library/tweet/whatever... *-*

Music: Do You Want Me (Dead?) by All Time Low

Dedicated to: eugenia98 for commenting and urging me to write more :D

Comment, vote, fan, the usual. Love you guys for actually reading, please help me if you find any mistakes or if anything is unclear or anything else. I'm always open to criticism or editing. But don't worry if the parts with Xander confuses you, he has that effect on people... xP

This is my longest chappie ever :D



Ch. 10 - Runaway Xander goes over to Eliza's castle to confront her about why she hurt Joel. Eliza has a breakdown and Xander is forced to comfort her. They bond and Eliza tells Xander about her feelings for Joel

Eliza's POV:

"So, here's my plan..." Xander started. He seemed to have a very short attention span, but I guess that was part of his charm. Only seconds earlier we had been talking about Joel and how sad Xander was. " I'll bring you into the guild's HQ, and then you can talk to Joel and be all lovey-dovey. Sound good?"

"And how do you expect me to get in there without being noticed?" I asked him.

"Well, you guys were nice to me, but we favor a little more... Um, well, hatred. We won't let any enemy of ours get into our HQ, unlike you guys..." He said.

"Let me remind you, that you were the one who walked in as though you owned the place. We had nothing to do with that." I reminded him.

"Sure, but where were the guards, the fighting?" I gave him a look of warning. "Not that I wanted any of that..." He ended up trailing off.

"So? What's the plan?" I asked Xander, as I watched him rummage around my room, he had found my 5x5x5 Rubik's cube and was attempting to solve it. I watched him for a few minutes, before he solved it, and started reshuffling it. He continued to solve and reshuffle the cube for twenty minutes, until I had had enough.

I walked over to him and snatched the cube out of his hands. He looked at me and gave me the same puppy-dog face as my brother, only it looked ten times more cute on Xander. I sighed and turned around, but he followed me around and pouted even more.

Finally I gave up and handed him the cube back. He smiled at me before starting to rant.

"Well, we could dress you up as a ninja, or I could sneak in, and you could pretend to belong there. OR I could pretend to be a vamp, and you would be my captor and drag me with you into HQ. Or maybe you could learn to fly and just like, soar into Joel's window without anybody noticing." He stopped to gasp for air, before he continued.

"Or you could dress up as a princess and I could be your prince and we could tell everyone that we're getting married. No no no! I've got it! You could pretend to be Buffy the vampire slayer. Ohohohoh! I could be Spike! Or maybe I should be Edward the Bloody. Or Drusilla's boyfriend, or ex. Hey! That's who I should be! Cause, you know, they call me the Ex-machine... Noooooo! I know! I can be Professor X, from me-men! I call them that, cause they start with the same letter as me." It was truly remarkable how he could go so long without breathing, this was the second time in his whole rant that he had breathed in, well more like gasped for air, but it was basically the same.

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