Chapter 1- Nuts

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Present Time

Describe one thing you like about your family.

I stared at the question for five whole minutes while chewing on a piece of gum.

Why did they have to ask such a question? I thought to myself.

I could think of a million things I don't like about my family but I didn't really know what I actually liked in my family.

I couldn't say siblings because I was an only child. I couldn't say my parents because I didn't even love them and they didn't love me.

Sure, most wealthy kids would've said what their parents buy for them but I never valued those things because they were just material.

Not to mention I hated the way my parents treated other people who weren't as wealthy as they were.

Each time I went out with my parents, we were either stared at or avoided. Stared, because everyone in my neighbourhood knew who my dad was and avoided, because of the disgusted and cold states that my parents gave people.

That's why I never want to be around them when I'm outside home and at home.

My father, Luke Diamond, was one of the most powerful business owners in Chicago but I didn't know my mother's profession since she never told me but either way, they were rich, very rich.

My father's dream was that I carry on with the Diamond business to which I declined severally, causing him to act cold towards me.

My mother, Justine Diamond was always cold around me for as long as I could remember.

Sometimes, I wondered what could cause their hate but I had hoped it wasn't genetic.

I sighed and threw my homework away, not caring about getting in trouble in a subject that I didn't even care about.

I laid down on my bed and decided to listen to some rock music, I couldn't identify.

It was on shuffle so I didn't know if it was There For Tomorrow or some other band.

My music time was cut off when I felt my phone vibrate on my bed and I paused the song and picked the phone.

"I'm not doing that Social homework," came the usual deadpanned tone of my best friend, Victoria.

I chuckled through the phone glancing over at the one I threw away.

"I hear you," I replied back.

Victoria was the first person I met, when I moved to London with my family over a year ago.

The reason why we moved here? Well during one evening, I asked my parents if I could attend a regular school like everyone else did rather than a very expensive private school and they decided to put me in a British private school, which made the situation worse because I considered Chicago my home in a way.

And the second reason was because my dad had plans to move some of his businesses to London for a bigger growth.

I was pissed off beyond words to even express how annoyed I was but there was nothing I could do.

How I met Victoria was when her family visited my new house in London.

Victoria also attended the private school I was going to, which made me dislike her at first.

In fact, I didn't like any rich person I met because of how spoilt they always were and boring.

Victoria's family was also very rich. I didn't know much about what her family did but my parents were impressed.

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