Chapter 42- Chaos, Guns and an Octopus

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"This is your fault."

I didn't even look phased. "Isn't everything?"

"You're the one who decided to venture off, leading away from the open area. And before you say, 'I could've just left', you would've just burdened me more," he explained.

I scoffed. "You have issues."

He didn't respond to me and kept looking around the crowd with a visible frown on his face.


I turned around to see a smiling Grace who seemed to be energetic as she moved excitedly.

"Did you see the aquarium? There's a huge octopus!" She exclaimed.

"We saw," Matthew muttered, still looking around.

Grace nodded. "Ah. That's cool. So what are you guys doing now?"

"There's an unwanted guest on board matey. Captain Matthew gets really annoyed when unwanted guests are here," I informed her.

Grace slowly furrowed her eyebrows. "Unwanted guests? Who's that?" She asked.

"Damian," Matthew answered for me.

Grace then raised her eyes. "The contract killer?"

We both have her a nod and she gave us both a shocked expression. "Well that's interesting."

"I'm going to go look for him," Matthew informed.

"So am I. And no, I don't care if I can't come," I declared.

"For once, you may be of use," he stated causing me to grunt. "I'll need you two to warn Victoria and Andy about him."

Grace and I gave him a nod before we all split up. We moved through the dancing bodies in search of them.

"Any ideas where they are?" I asked Grace.

"Texting Vic..." she answered while typing away. I waited for a while until she got a reply.

Grace then looked up at me. "They're in the upper room. Apparently Andy dragged her there against her will."

I snickered. "That sounds shady. What are they up to?"

Grace laughed. "Don't let Vic here that."

I smirked, while following Grace upstairs. "I'm so going to tease her about this later."

"Do you have a death wish?"

I shrugged at the question and kept walking up.

The room was filled with an indoor pool and was a lot more quiet compared to the party deck. Nevertheless, there were still drunk adults.

I stared up at the diving board and saw Andy in swim shorts staring down at the water.

"Found Andy," I told Grace.

"Found Victoria."

I looked over at the direction Grace had gestured and saw Victoria sitting on a bench with a bored expression.

We walked over to her, ignoring the glances from everyone else.

"Oh. There you guys are. Andy is not fun at all," she said once she saw us.

"Uh huh..." I started but Grace nudged me lightly. "Anyway, we have some bad news."

"Any good news?" Victoria asked.

I shook my head. "Afraid not unless you consider a contract killer lurking around your sister's yacht good news then yes. Yes there is."

Victoria sat up with a raised eyebrow. "Contract killer?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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