Chapter 41- Smells Like Fish

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"Let's see..." I muttered, as I shuffled through some clothes. It shouldn't have been that hard since it wasn't like the other ones.

I let out a breath of relief as I found the clothing that would fit the theme. It wasn't anything spectacular but casual clothes with some edgy quotes but a party is a party after all.

I heard the sound of my door open and I glanced as my mom stepped inside my room.

I gave her a weird look in return, wondering what she wanted as she just stood and examined my appearance.

"How long will you be gone?" She asked, crossing her arms.

I blinked firstly, her question making me feel as if she needed me out of the house but I mentally shrugged it off as my parents being their usual, secretive self and answered "Quite a long while."

She gave me a sharp nod and slowly walked out of my room.

I wasn't sure if mom and dad had reconciled over their argument but I often saw them eating together and going out which each other so I assumed it was getting better.

Without even a waste of time, I took all the necessities with me, including some pranking materials, and headed out the door.

As fun as a yacht party sounded like, I still couldn't help but feel like it was going to be a typical Hutcherson party. Even though the host was my best friend's weird sister, it didn't mean she wouldn't keep her persona in front of us because Victoria was the only person who knew about her ways. So I had suspected that the party would be very boring...

And boy was I wrong.



I couldn't agree with Grace more. The place definitely wasn't what I had expected it to be like.

A bunch of twenty year olds having the time of their life and going absolutely nuts was much more fun than what I had predicted if was going to be like.

Andy smirked, looking around the place. "Now this is what I call a party."

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Why are you getting so hyped up when we're practically kids compared to everyone else? Plus, it's not that great," she retorted."

"Are you kidding? Indoor pool, enjoyable music, food, drinks, people dancing, canon balls, playful fights, this is great!" He defended.

As much as I'd hate to admit it, anything was better than what our parents always tried to pull off. But at the same time, I could understand Victoria's suspicions.

"It's a little too loud," Grace added, rubbing her shoulder in slight discomfort.

"And it smells," I whispered to her.

Grace stifled a laugh. "Like what?"

"You made it."

We turned her heads to the voice of the main lead of the show as she walked towards us with someone I could not identify attached to her body.

Victoria's expression remained the same as she eyed the taller brunette. "Didn't expect me to show up sis?"

Katelyn chuckled and shook her head lightly. "Knowing you, of course you were going to come if it meant they tagged along. I was expecting as much."

"So why did you invite me?" Victoria asked her.

Katelyn looked around before returning her eyes back to her sister's. "It's a party. Why else?"

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