Chapter 11- The Thameswood Beginning

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"Follow me as I will be giving you a tour of the place," he explained.

I scoffed knowing he was trying to cover his enthusiasm.

"And by the way, you girls made the right decision," he added.

"Not like we had a choice," Victoria muttered.

Yes, my friends and I decided to join T.L.A after a long and well thought discussion.

We've never had to make such a serious decision before and it was kinda scary how serious we all took it.

No joking, teasing or insults. I couldn't even make fun of Victoria on how she still had to wear her dress till the end of that day.

We were grateful that Grace's parents allowed us to pay Grace a visit. They even offered me and Victoria food to which we both politely declined.

I was relieved that Grace's punishment was only for a few days, and she was able to have her phone the next day.

It was a hard choice for us to make. We didn't exactly want to spend a few months in jail but then again, we didn't want to be part of a suspicious organisation.

In the end, we did what we believed would protect all of us, our reputation, our school records and our lives.

"At least we get to miss a day of school?" I told her trying to lighten the situation but she only let out a low grumble.

I don't know how but some T.L.A men, talked to our principal about taking us out of the school for a day and he was okay with it. Then again, they probably bribed him or made up some excuse which he bought.

"The first place we're going to see is the general assembly, we're all members come together and the teachers give updates, missions and other important notices," Cole explained.

We were led to a fairly big room that was dim and carpeted with red. There was a stand that faced the entire room with a speaker and behind it was a white board.

We said nothing as Cole began walking to the next location.

We saw some of the basic stuff as we made our way to the next location, like toilet rooms, the office but I noticed a number of dorms.

"Other people can live here?" I asked out loud.

Cole nodded, still walking. "Not many,excluding Matthew and myself but everybody else has their own homes to go to. The one I have in the States is different though. It's more of a dormitory," he told me.

I nodded and continued to look around the building and at some people we passed.

"That's the weapon's room," Cole spoke as he stopped and directed us to another room.

The three of us stepped inside and I was a bit surprised at the advanced weaponry that they had.

I saw a row of different kinds of guns, a row of grenades, bows and arrows, protective gear that included bullet proof vests, swords and so much more.

"Grace! Look," Victoria called out.

I turned to the direction of my friend and watched as she pointed a gun at Grace who froze, absolutely terrified.

"Bang bang," Victoria said shooting but no bullets came out.

She let out a laugh as Grace hid behind me and I tried to keep a serious face.

"Aj! Victoria's gone mad!" She exclaimed and I let out a few chuckles.

"That's wasn't funny," I told Victoria who nodded putting down the gun.

Thameswood League of AdvancedWhere stories live. Discover now