Chapter 6- Jail Time

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I felt like a thousand needles were shot at my head, as I slowly opened my eyes, squinting a little.

The light was very dim and I could make much of my surroundings but I felt movement.

I looked around and noticed that there were trees and buildings that flew by.

That's when I realized that I was in a car.

I looked down and noticed I was wearing my seatbelt and two people sat in the front.

They were both men wearing torn suits and dark glasses.

I got closer to get a better view of them and realized that they were the two that I pranked earlier, noticing the sticky notes that was still there and torn suits.

I gulped.

I sat back in and became anxious, not knowing what they were going to do to me after pulling such a stunt on them.

I continued to look out the window and noticed from time to time that we were no longer in a residential area, or even a CBD.

I closed my eyes, hoping they wouldn't do anything funny and if they tried to, I needed to act quick.

After some time, the car made a stop and I looked out the window to see where we stopped but couldn't make sense of the location.

"Um where'd you take me?" I asked nervously but they didn't respond and got off the car.

I watched as they opened my door and waited for me to get out of the car.

I did as told, still cautious of everything that was happening.

I didn't even know what happened to my friends. Were they safe?

I thought of making a run for it but as I looked around the area, I didn't even know which one was safer.

Follow two strange men into a strange, unrecognized building or wonder a seemingly dark, desolated place?

I sighed, and followed the two men inside the building, fingers crossed.

The building was quite dim and only a few things were seen, like the strange caged doors.

I noticed that the building had a lot of security who stood outside the cage, guarding it protectively. With guns.

I continued to walk to the direction I was led, and stopped when the two men approached a caged room.

There were two security guards, both which were carrying guns that I had hoped weren't loaded.

The men in black whispered something quietly to the guards, who nodded and opened the room and roughly pushed me inside.

I turned back to them and banged on the bars repeatedly.

"Hey! What's the meaning of this?! Why did you kidnap me and sent me here?" I yelled at them.

One of the men in black, approached me with a serious expression.

"You're in no position to speak for the time being," he told me strictly.

I watched as the two victims of my prank left the guards, giving them a look which they nodded to.

"Geez, talk about butthurt...." I muttered.

I turned around to look at the cage and I froze.

No, I didn't freeze because I was in potential prison, I froze because I met two familiar faces that I didn't expect would be inside the cage.

Thameswood League of AdvancedWhere stories live. Discover now