Chapter 14- Victoria's Frustration

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My friends and I were dismissed from T.L.A after we found out about the teams and settled in a bit.

I still wasn't very comfortable with my teammate. If anything, it was quite troublesome.

Trying to talk with Matthew was like talking to a block of ice. But at least it was better than being partnered up with someone like Tobias.

Hopefully, he would stop giving me the cold shoulder.

However. I noticed something had changed since we left T.L.A. Or should I say someone.

Victoria had been acting strange the day after the event. And when I mean strange, I mean more annoyed than usual.

She avoided me and Grace whenever she got the chance, she glared at pretty much every single thing that passed her way. And when Grace and I were with Victoria, she wouldn't say a word but let out a few groans and avoid our eyes.

The three of us were back at school and I met Victoria by her locker, taking some books out, then slamming it.

I sighed and walked over to her but she walked off in a different direction when she met my eyes.

I rolled my eyes and decided to ask Grace for help. She'd know what to do.

"I have no idea what to do," she told me with a shrug when I found her in the library.

"Do you have a free class?" I asked her curiously. She nodded and continued reading her book.

I placed both my hands on either side of the table and she looked up at me with a confused expression when she saw my furrowed eyebrows.

"We need to do something about Vic," I told her.

Grace sighed and put down her book. "I agree that Victoria has been acting strangely and I care too, honestly but Victoria's that type of person that likes to do things on her own and deals with her own issues. If we try to get involved, it'll only make the situation worse,"she told me with a concerned look.

"And do you think I ever listen?" I asked, challenging her with a smirk.

Grace chuckled at my statement. "I guess not," she muttered.

"Okay fine. I'll help you get Victoria to talk to us about it but we don't push her too hard, okay?" Grace told me.

I grinned slightly, nodding my head. "Great!"I exclaimed.

"Shh!" One student said to me and gave me an icy glare before turning back to their book.

I rolled my eyes. Library kids were just.....

"Aj! Grace!"

I felt a grin come upon my face as I recognized the voice, instantly.

I faced Andy, who had his usual grin on. I've never met someone who was has happy as he always was.

A few students shh'd him and he gave them a sheepish grin.

Grace stared at Andy, confused. "What are you doing here?" She asked him curiously.

"He attends this school. I was surprise myself, too," I explained to her in a whisper.

"Oh," was all she said back.

"So what brings you here?" I asked Andy.

He shrugged at me. "I saw you two here and decided to pop in. What about you?" He answered.

"Well, Grace and I are going to look for Victoria now so...." I muttered.

Grace snapped her head in my direction. "We are?" She asked and cocked her head to the side.

Thameswood League of AdvancedWhere stories live. Discover now