Chapter 19- To Finish With a Bang

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"And as we grow older, our physical and emotional state not only changes but grows as well as the other parts in our body...."

I decided to remove my mind from whatever Ms.Tuler was talking about. I never understood have the things she said in class anyway, but then again this Social health so nothing would ever be relevant.

My mind drifted to the event that happened on Saturday. I couldn't help but shake my head and hold in a laugh at the thought.

Even though being in that kind of situation was a pain, it was quite a funny story to tell. Two teenagers chasing after an old lady who turned out to be one skilled assassin carrying drugs with her, while the two teens tried to get it away from her.

Definitely funny indeed, I thought. At least it was the first task that I took part in and succeeded.

Matthew and I decided to quickly head to T.L.A on the same day, to get the task out of the way.

"Here," Matthew said, throwing the bag on Cole's desk when we reached his office. Cole opened the bag and nodded with approval.

"You completed the task. Well done, and you too Aj. I didn't even know you'd be accompanying Matthew," he said to us.

"I wouldn't say accompanying, more like forcing herself to follow me," Matthew corrected his uncle.

I gave Matthew a quick glare before thanking Cole. "I assume it was no trouble,"Cole continued talking.

Matthew shook his head. "No trouble." I scoffed at him. "No trouble? We had to chase a gangster! An old lady gangster!" I exclaimed causing Maddie to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Gangster granny?" She questioned giving us a strange yet amused look. I nodded. "She said that she was a part of the AA and I thought she meant Alcoholics Anonymous but it was actually Assassin's Association, some other league," I told Maddie.

"Yes, we are very aware of the AA," Cole told me but he kept his calm look. "They're not one of our biggest threats but they're better to be stopped then left thieving all over the place. What else the the lady say?"

"Eh not much after that. She was kinda crazy too, but she's kinda dead now," I muttered the last part.

"I shot her and I said she'd die if she didn't get any medical attention soon," Matthew chimed in.

"Well that sure was interesting. I'm going to go burn this bag. You two are dismissed so you can enjoy the rest of your weekend,"Cole said to the both of us before disappearing and leaving Maddie to take care of some papers.

"Now, I will all hand you your results from your final exams,"Ms.Tuler spoke up, interrupting my thoughts.

"Your grades are shown beside each subject and your results have been all placed in this brown envelope. You can choose to open it here in class or wait to get home and show your parents," she concluded then started handing out the envelopes with our name on it.

I waited for my envelope to reach my table and I opened mine quickly, putting the envelope away and reading the test scores.

Mathematics: B

English: A

Biology: A

Chemistry: B

Physics: B+

History: C

Art: A......

I nodded to myself as I scrolled through all of them. Not a bad result if I do say so myself.

"I don't mean to interrupt you guys as you're reading and sharing your results but I just wanted to remind you that our next class will be the last before the summer break," she began.

A serious of cheers were heard throughout the class, most of them coming from the boys.

"Yes, thank you boys. Anyway, for our next class, I was thinking that we should share what we're all planning to do for the summer. Perhaps going on a trip, helping the community, improving something about yourself, anything. So write down some events you would like to share with the class," she concluded.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Like I'd be bothered to do some lame assignment.

I quickly gathered my things after I heard the ending bell and made my way out of the class first, waiting for Grace and Victoria to come out.

"How did you do?" I asked Victoria when she came out before Grace.

She turned to me and pointed an accusing finger in my direction. "Where did you and Matthew go on Saturday? We were looking all over for you two," she told me with a frown.

I scrunched up my nose. "Gross. You're making it sound as if we went on a date. It's actually a funny story but I'll tell you guys later," I told her.

"That's what Andy thought too," she told me with a slight smirk. "And to answer your question, I did great. Mostly A's and a couple B's. What about you?"

I shrugged. "I did better in this one. I got more A's this time around,"I said to her quickly. "Where's Grace?" I asked her, noticing our blonde friend wasn't with us.

Victoria chuckled. "She found an error, as she called it, in one of her results and is dealing the matter with Ms.Tuler," she explained.

I let out a laugh. "Did she get an A, instead of an A* on one of them?" I joked.

To my surprise, Victoria nodded and I stood still and raised a doubtful eyebrow at her.

"I'm not kidding. She's in there asking that her test should be reviewed,"Victoria assured me.

I shrugged. "That's our Grace, I guess."

I watched as Grace walked out of the classroom with a slight smug smile. "Sorry for the mistake, Ms.Patchers. I can assure you that it won't happen again,"Ms.Tuler said to Grace and Grace gave her back a warm smile. "All is well," Grace said to her before shutting the door.

"So the test score was incorrect," I stated, looking at Grace. She gave me a nod. "Those people. They missed two questions that I answered correctly. At least now, I went from an eighty-seven to a ninety-three. Maths is not my strongest area," she explained and finished with a sigh.

"At least you got an A," Victoria told her. "Yeah," Grace agreed with her.

"Okay. Now back to the main topic, summer," I began changing the subject.

"IT'S SUMMER!" A voice yelled from behind us, causing Grace to jump and Victoria to glare at the person.

"Shut up, Olaf! And we haven't closed yet" She snapped at Andy who had shouted. He stopped and gave Victoria a surprised look. "Olaf?" He questioned, then a big grin spread across his face.

"IN SUMMER!" He sang in an opera voice, causing people to stare at him and Victoria to elbow him. "What're you five?" She snapped again.

He placed a hand on his chest, faking hurt. "Geez, Victoria. That hurts," he pouted. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"C'mon! Light up, will ya!" He told her giving her a small nudge. "Anyway, any plans on how to end the last day?" He asked each of us.

"I don't really care. I just want to finish already," Victoria muttered. "I might finish the book I was reading," Grace said quietly.

"I'm gonna pull a prank!" I told Andy with excitement in my eyes.

Grace gave me a look of disbelief. "After what happened and you're still pranking?!"she exclaimed.

I shrugged with a small smile. "I need to leave this place with a bang, probably add a few finishes touches to the school."

A look of fear washed over her face and I laughed placing my arm around her. "Don't worry my dear friend. I know what I'm doing and besides, my pranks never really did fail any away," I told her, mimicking Andy's grin.

Thameswood League of AdvancedWhere stories live. Discover now