Chapter 25- An Unusual Flight

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I checked over my two luggages for the fifth time, making sure I had all the necessities needed for a two-week vacation.

I smiled in satisfaction, checking my phone for any texts and saw that I had a few from Victoria and Grace, both girls informed me that they were making their way to the airport.

I grabbed my bags in both hands and made my way out the door. My dad watched me as I walked out the door while my mom was busy typing away on her phone. I didn't dare look both of them in the eye nor did I say anything to them. I had all I needed anyway.

The taxi driver was waiting patiently for me and I sat in the front seat once I entered the car before he started moving.

The drive to the airport was pleasant to say the least. I mostly listened to the mainstream that came on in the radio. I sighed, wishing they could've played Fall Out Boy.

I arrived at the airport after half an hour, paying the driver whatever amount of money and began carrying my bags inside.

"Need help?" I warm voice asked from behind me. I turned around and gave Andy a small smile, shaking my head.

"I'm good," I told him after he had given me a quick hug. He smiled, helping me out anyway even though I was genuinely okay.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked him, as we walked to the checkout. "They're waiting by the gate," he answered. "I'm always the last one to arrive," I mumbled with a slight pout.

Andy also helped be load the bags through the check out, even though I told him countless times that I was fine but I appreciated his help.

He wrapped an arm around me once we were done and led me to the gate. "I know but I wanted to help," he told me with a slight smile. I shrugged nonetheless. "Alright then."

We reached the gate and I saw that my friends, excluding Matthew, were sitting down doing different things. Grace was reading a book, Victoria was waiting and Matthew was listening to music.

"Hey guys," I called giving them a wave. Grace glanced up at me from her book, giving me a smile before returning to her book.

"You made it," Victoria told me, stretching her arms and yawning a bit. "I was starting to get a bit bored."

"Hm," was all Matthew said when he looked up at me. I still didn't understand the lack of dialogue that Matthew gave me but then again I didn't really understand him.

"Aw, did you miss me that much?" I teased Victoria as I sat next to her. Her response was rolling her eyes at me.

"So what time does the gate close?" I asked the group. "About ten minutes," Grace answered me, not removing her eyes from her book.

I nodded and made myself more comfortable in the chair. "Excited about flying first class?" I asked her.

Grace then put her book down and turned to me with a slight smile. "I really am, actually. I've always wanted to know how first class is like and I also haven't been on a plane for a long time. I think when I was five was the last time I was on a flight," she answered.

I smiled back. "Well now's your lucky day, I guess," I chuckled.

"All passengers in gate E45, attending flight 068 to Valencia, Spain should make their way to the boarding section," the female announcer said.

"Got the tickets out?" Matthew asked Andy, standing up. Andy gave him a quick nod. "Yep. They're in my back," he answered.

The girls and I stood up, gathering our belongings and heading to the queue.

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