Chapter 23- Andy's Invitation and Surprising Phone Calls

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"So when's the prank?" A voice that held amusement, whispered behind my ear. I nearly jumped, at how close the person was from behind me.

I turned around and gave Andy a surprised look and he returned it with a cheeky grin. "What're you doing here?" I asked him confused.

He returned the same confused look. "What do you mean? I've always been in your chemistry class," he told me. "And there's something I need to ask you after school."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh wow. I never knew and okay," I muttered. He let out a small chuckle. "Aj, name ten people you know in this class."

I looked at each one of my classmates around the room who were all taking notes. "That guy looks like a Johnny," I whispered to Andy, pointing at a dark haired boy to my left. "And that one looks like a Mariam," I pointed to a girl across me.

Andy let out a laugh, that caught the attention of a few people. "You really need to pay attention to your classmates." I shrugged. "It's not that important," I told him. I didn't even talk to anyone in my class since a Grace and Victoria were not on it but seeing as how Andy was there, he'd count as one person. 

I noticed someone in the far corner, who was concentrating on their work but I instantly recognised their face. "I didn't know Matthew was in this class....." I said quietly and Andy nodded.

"And to answer your question from before, the prank will happen any minute as soon as the final bell rings," I explained, an evil grin formed on my face.

Andy shifted uncomfortably. "What're you thinking?" He questioned with suspicious eyes.

I held up a test tube that was filled with a chemical substance that was very explosive.

"That's picric acid," Andy stated, his eyes growing slightly fearful. "Where did you even get that?"

I shook my head. "That's not important. What's important is that if you don't want to get involved in the prank, you need to leave the class immediately," I warned.

I looked over at my chemistry teacher and saw that he had fallen asleep, which was a major advantage to my prank.

"I don't think blowing up a classroom is such a good idea. I mean there's this thing called the law and consequences...." Andy told me with a concerned look.

I chuckled and pointed under my desk. "There's a bucket of slime under my desk and it's just one out of the three that's spread across the classroom and I'll be pouring this acid inside of each one. I'll admit, it was hard sneaking past the principal," I admitted.

"You are one strange person, Aj," he told me.

I crouched down to under my desk and brought out the picric acid. Andy immediately took out his phone and began typing away quickly.

He glanced over at Matthew who received a text on his phone. After he read the text, he gave Andy a confused look. 

"No time for questioning! Just leave if you don't want to die!" He whisper-shouted.

"You warned Matthew?" I asked Andy and he nodded. I pouted. I was hoping that I'd get to see Matthew covered in slime but then I remembered what happened the last time I pranked Matthew and I was almost grateful to Andy.

I poured the acid into the first bucket then crawled over to the one located at the back of the class that I hid under a pile of unwanted cardboard. All this was done before class had started.

After I poured the acid in that one, I slid to the centre of the classroom, under a student's desk and poured the last of it inside.

I then stood up in the middle of the class and my classmates sent me confused looks. I saluted them and made my way to the door, after gathering my belongings.

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