Chapter 37- Kicking Some Sense

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A/N: T.L.A updates are back on!

Over a week had gone by and I continuously worked on my training at Thameswood. There weren't any missions that I was informed of but it didn't stop me from training harder.

From time to time, I checked in on my friends when I was free to see if they were busy and they usually were so it meant I spent some time doing solitary work.

My supposed teammate on the other hand, trained on his own for some periods and when we were training as a team, he chose not to speak to me.

And the rare times he did was only something related to the training we were doing.

There was obviously something wrong. It was plain obvious. I wanted to ask Andy if he knew anything but it would seem that Matthew's actions were affecting me. I mean, it wasn't that I was trying to invade into his personal issues, I just wanted him to keep his end of the deal about cooperating together.

I shrugged. Well that was another issue for another day because I had bigger problems to worry about. And those problems involved a certain sensei who knew how to kick.

Each time I had a dojo session, I used a different greeting that I could think of off the top of my head.

Unfortunately, they weren't good enough for that crazy person and instead of informing me, he thought it'd be best to use his skills on me. And of course, he'd assign me to Leo as punishment.

But it didn't stop me.

I stepped into the dojo and quietly shut the door behind me.

I turned and met my sensei in the centre of the hall meditating on the floor with his eyes closed.

In the corner I saw Leo who lied down on the floor with his eyes closed. He looked so relaxed which took me by surprise. I never saw him do anything but train and punish me because of orders.

"Hey there sensei," I greeted so that he knew I was in the room.

Both sensei and Leo opened their eyes and Leo later stood up.

Sensei didn't say anything and just watched me.

I didn't need to be told twice and instead of doing the usual bow, I closed my eyes and gave him a nod. I did research and found that such action was also a sign of greeting.

After a couple of seconds, I opened and eye and received a not-so-pleasant kick to the face.

Groaning, I stumbled back but regained my balance and didn't fall down.

"Let me guess, incorrect?" I asked with a sigh.

He was standing and walked towards a far corner in the room.

"And you spoke before the greeting," he added.

I raised my eyebrows. "But you wouldn't have seen me do the bow!" I retorted.

"Not true. I heard the sound of the door opening so I knew someone had entered," he objected.

"Could've been a criminal," I muttered.

Thameswood League of AdvancedWhere stories live. Discover now